Tired eyes

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Authors note,, thank you so much for 100+ reads!please vote and comment!


I awoke to a pounding noise, I rolled over to grab Dylan, he wasn't in the bed. My heart raced I looked over to the clock on the wall, it read 5:52am my feet shook as I opened up the door, Jared grabbed my hand. He brought me into the living room and pushed me onto the sofa next to dylan. I looked over to dylan, he wore a red shirt and hoodie with jeans and black vans, he handed me overalls and a grey tee shirt,

" guys don't make a sound or I will put you in the basement until this is over," my eyes were locked on the window next to the front door, red and blue lights spun around and around, I saw Jenny outside talking to a man, a cop. Jared watched her every move. He had a gun in his hands,

"What's going on?" I rubbed my tires eyes with the palm of my hand,

" dad got me up early to help him pack up the car, he needed me to go with him to get supplies for the house I guess, and then the cops showed up so we turned around and came back."

Dylan's words were said fast, he didn't want Jared to here him.  I watched out the window, I hope Jenny would tell the cops. I saw her glance into the window at Jared, her eyes filled with tears she collapsed to her knees, she dug her palms into her eyes. Jared looked at us, his eyes dashed across the house, he grabbed a syringe and filled it with something,

" Dylan, hold her down."

" what?"


Dylan grabbed me and pushed me onto the couch,

"What are you doing?! Dylan!"

I screamed at dylan to stop, but he didn't. They were brainwashing him, I needed him, but he was slipping away. I watched as dylan got off of me. I gave him an unfriendly hand gesture as I felt a sharp pain against me cheek. Jared slapped me, I watched as dylan fell backwards on the couch as Jared stuck the syringe into dylans arm. My eyes fluttered open and then they closed, and everything went black.

I awoke when we were in Dylan's car, I saw bags full of clothes and food, me and Dylan laid in the back seat our heads against the window, I slowly raised my head and quickly grabbed it once I felt it spin, I looked out the window to see trees. Millions of trees.

"Jared, Ava's awake should I get the syringe?"

Jared looked down at me, he was covered in blood. So was Jenny, her eye was swollen and black, along with cuts all the way up to her shoulder. They were red and puffy, some were bandaged. She must have told the cops, and Jared must have killed them. I glared at Jared as I felt the sharp pain of a needle slip into my arm. And everything was black once more.

I rolled over, I felt Dylan's bare chest I smiled and crawled over on top of him. To only realize all of my clothes were gone too, I wrapped the bed sheet around me and pushed Dylan until his eyes fluttered open, he ran his fingers through my hair and just as I did, quickly covered himself in the blanket of the bed. We got up, I fell to the floor as my head spun and spun. Dylan grabbed me up, his glasses slid down the bride of his nose, he pushed them up after I was on my feet. We scanned the room, there was a wall it had a window with bars on it. I looked through the bars, the sun was setting. I saw chickens, trees, and a barn.

"Where the fuck are we,"

" I don't know,"

Dylan grabbed me and kissed the top of my head

" I'm so sorry for all of this, we are going to be here a while before we can escape. I wish I had never ran into you at that stupid party"

"Thanks" I quietly said as I moved my feet and dragged the sheet behind me. I made my way over to a wooden dresser. On the top of it sat, two glasses of water and a plate of meat, and vegetables. I looked at myself in the old mirror. My hair was starting to get greasy, I needed to take a shower soon. I let my hair hang down today. I opened up one of the dresser drawer's and pulled out the outfit Dylan had grabbed for me this morning at his mothers house. I put it on as dylan did the same. I watched as he gulped down the cup of water and picked up a piece of meat, my eyes locked onto his hand.

"Don't, Dylan please don't!"


"Jenny dosnt want us to eat the meat."

Dylan placed it back onto the plate and grabbed some veggies and shoved them into his mouth. He left the rest for me, I ate the rest, except for the meat. We made the bed and took a long look around the room, the night wore on. Soon it was completely dark out side, I tuned on the lamp that sat next to the bed, I looked over at the window, I saw that someone who had been in this room before us had scratched away at the wall, there was blood next to the bars. It was dried and flacking away, my eyes shut, my stomach had twisted I gripped it tightly. We sat in the bed as we heard footsteps below us and sometimes they would pass the door. But neither of us dared to leave the room. I watched as dylan got off of the bed. He twisted the handle, and opened the door, the clock next to the lamp read 10;45pm.

"What are you doing?"

" I have to go to the bathroom."

" can I come with you?" My voice was soft. Dylan nodded his head as he grabbed my hand as we looked through the three doors that were in the hallway. The door that was across from our room was locked, we quickly ran towards the door that was   Cracked open, it was at the end of the hall. The floor was cold underneath my feet. The wood was shiny, we walked into the bathroom, I flipped on the light. There was a mirror attached to the wall, along with a tub, a shower, a sink and a toilet. I sat on the edge of the tub, maybe I would take a shower tomorrow. I glanced over at the rack of towels, and shampoos. I waited until Dylan was done, we hurried out of the bathroom as we heard footsteps, coming up the stairs. We ran into our room and crawled into bed. Our door slid open as I saw a woman, she was in her twenties or so. Her blue eyes looked at us. Locks of her long brown hair were pulled back into a bun. She wore giant circle glasses, her belly was large. She was pregnant. That made my heart drop, she was going to have a baby, it would have to grow up here.

"Hello, my name is Lynn, and this is my husband Chris." A large man stood behind Lynn. My eyes widened he was the size of Jared only he had short hair, and he had a scar that ran from his lip to his chin, he wrapped his arm around lynns shoulder she smiled.

" you guys get some rest. We'll see you in the morning." Chris's voice was deep but it was softer than Jared's. Chris told Lynn to go to bed, she walked into the room across the hall from ours. That was there room. Chris shut the door behind him as he walked over to us. He sat at the foot of the bed, he slid dylan a pocket knife.

"These are for punishments, Jared's told me a lot about how your girl here is a fighter. Watch her closely." Chris smiled and gave Dylan a wink as he walked over to our door,

"Goodnight, tomorrow you will get to learn more about your new family."  The words replayed over and over in my head.  I saw Dylan get up, he flipped open the pocket knife, he looked at me and smiled. My heart pounded, we could use this to escape, I smiled back at dylan until he gripped my wrist.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now