Sharp knifes

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Authors note ;  i'm so sorry for all of the spelling errors and the grammar errors, I am trying to get these pages quickly done for those of you who do actually read this story, I'm going to try and publish more regularly it's just hard because school is very overwhelming and I have issues at home that I have to worry about so I am so very sorry for all of the late updates and spelling and grammar errors I will try my best to fix everything, in the meantime please enjoy this chapter continue reading, vote and comment,


Dylan's pov:  Lynn looked at me, her eyes were red and puffy she must've been crying, her and Ava work really close. She came and sat by me on the edge of the bed, she tried to tell me that she had been talking to Ava and Ava was fine but I didn't want to hear about it. I just wanted Ava here in the room with me, Lynn continued to tell me that Ava could not come up to my room until she was all the way healed, I pushed Lynn  a bit off of the bed as I rolled over, she adjusted her glasses and got up she shut the door quietly behind her . I remember watching the sun set and rise through the window, for two days I didn't get up. Occasionally I would sit up to see mom and Lynn come into my room to reassure me that Ava was fine, but I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to get my hopes up to only get them crushed if she dosnt make it. They wouldn't let me see her, I begged Lynn and mom for the past two days, they have her in the basement probably on a dirty old mattress, I remember when we caught those two people, those innocent girls. No wonder mom didn't want me to eat the meat, Ava would be down there with the chopped up body pieces in the freezer. The smell must be burning her nose, I remember when Jared handed me a knife and made me cut off one of the girls faces, I remember the blood spilling down my hands the tears and the smell burned my nose.  I didn't want to think about this, all I wanted to think about was Ava. There was a knock at my door when mom came in once more the sun has just risen it had to be around 830, dad took the clocks out of all the rooms in the house  after what happened the night Ava escaped. I watched as mom set a plate of food on my dresser, there was toast butter vegetables and a glass of water she took the plate that she had sent in here the night before for dinner, I hadn't eaten anything.

" you should eat."


"Dylan you need to eat to gain your strength back, Ava is ok-"

" then why can't I see her?"

Mom gazed down at her feet. She didn't say a word, she bent over and planted a kiss on my four head the sleeve of her sweater was stained with blood, there was bandages wrapped around her wrist call my dad had been punishing her again. I needed Ava here with me, so me her Lynn and mom could escape.  Mom got up and left once I heard her footsteps downstairs I decided to use this time to go to the bathroom. I drug my feet down the hallway as I entered the bathroom I looked in the mirror my eyes were red and puffy, my nose had been plugged in for a while now my throat aches from all the screaming I still had the clothes covered in a vase and those two girls blood on my skin I saw Ava's blood from when we had kissed was still smeared against my lips it was Now dry and flaking, my hair has been greasy I hadn't taken a shower since we had been here I didn't know if you'd be OK with dad. But now I didn't care I stripped of all of my clothes and hop in the shower, the warm water hit my back, I quickly washed up and wrapped a towel around my body,  my glasses were still cracked I could barely see out of them, mom reassured me that dad was going into town in a few days to get more supplies for the house so he would bring me new ones then, but I didn't count on it. I walked down the hallway I didn't bother picking my dirty clothes out of the bathroom I just left them there, as I got into the room I open the dresser my heart stopped as it's all of Ava's clothes that she had been wearing since we got here, there was an elf in the dresser of when I first met her at the party. I remember when dad was first taking us here he had packed mine and Ava's backpacks full of clothes. He must have grabbed this outfit too. Tears begin to feel my eyes as I quickly brush them away, I didn't want to cry anymore. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt and slipped them on, I grabbed the plate off of the dresser and the cup of water and walked downstairs. I could hear Lynn and mom talking a bit they sat at the counter drinking coffee. They looked up at me as I walked on the stairs Lynn smiled she must of been happy to see me up and moving,

I was wrong. I was so wrong. Where stories live. Discover now