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Smh I'm getting less reads and votes on every chapter I post,, I may as well stop writing this🤙


Ava's pov; We sat upstairs for a minute thinking of how we could do this without 'doing this'. I got up and stood on the bed, I jumped up and down making the springs squeak a bit, dylan looked at me , he smiled as he got on the bed and did the same, we jumped on the bed for a while until I started to run out of breath. I fluffled Dylan's hair as heavy footsteps made there way up the stairs. Dylan grabbed m wrist and acted as if he was putting my shirt back on as Jared threw open the door.

" did you punish her? Ware are the marks? " Dylan pushed me to the bed as I watched him walk into the Hallway with Jared. I smiled as I dug my hands into my eyes to make them seem red. I could here the faint whispers outside the door.

" Dylan what are you doing?"

" I had to give her a different punishment, " Dylan's voice was faint, I cracked open the door, I saw Jared raise a brow at dylan.

" the cutting was obviously not working so. I had to rape her. It seems to be working so far, she  is listening to me better."

I saw Jared's face lighten up with a smile, he let out a chuckle and shook his head, he tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear, dylan looked at me and smiled.

" maybe your mom raised you right after all, it just took some time but I know you'll make a great dad someday. " Dylan let out a small nervous laugh as Jared said this,

" I should go talk to Ava, we will be down for dinner soon. " Jared squeezed Dylan's shoulder and then walked back down the stairs.

Dylan walked back over to our room and shut the door behind him, He walked over to me and planted a soft kiss upon my lips. I smiled as I ran my fingers down Dylan's face.

"Let's eat," I said softly making my way over to the door.

" what do you think they will say about my hair, Jared didn't seem to notice when he walked in, he was probably to focused on you. " I reached my hand out towards Dylan's as he pushed up his glasses and laced his cold soft fingers through mine.

" I'm sure they will love it." I smiled as we made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen


Lynn was the first to see me, the men were sitting by the fire, they payed no attention to me and Dylan. I walked over towards Lynn. She stood up, she started to breath heavy as a stream of bloody mucus ran down her leg, she let out a scream as she held her stomach .

"someone help! The baby's coming!" Jared and Chris stood up fast. They ran over to Lynn who was now sitting on the floor, her glasses slid down her nose as tears streamed from her eyes. Jenny came running in from the kitchen with towels and a glass of water, Jared and Chris picked Lynn up and ran up
The stairs with her. They went into Chris's room and slammed the door. My heart pounded, she was having a baby. I hoped it be a boy, I would hate to know that Lynn's child would die right in front of her. I ran swiftly up the stairs, I pounded on the door, I wanted to be there for Lynn. I wanted to be there, dylan came up behind me and pulled me away from the door.

"She will be fine Ava," Dylan's voice was deep. I nodded my head and shook his hand away from my shoulder. I walked down the stairs, Jenny came out of Lynn's room,

" how is she?"

" they're working on getting it out now." Jenny's voice echoed through the house. She took a seat on the couch with me and Dylan, thoughts ran through my mind as I could hear Lynn's screams. It must be painful having a natural birth, no meds. Nothing. I heard a baby's cry's. And then Lynn screamed. My heart dropped. It was a girl. I got up quickly and ran over to the door, I swiftly turned the door handle and fell to the floor once I was inside. I got up and went over to Lynn. I hugged her tightly as tears fell down her face. Chris held two babies. A boy, and a girl.

" Lynn do you want Ava to be in here while I do this."

" yes," Lynn's voice was raspy. She closed her eyes, I got into the bed with her and wrapped my arms around her shaking body. She continued to cry, as there was a loud snapping noise. Lynn screamed. Her eyes still tightly shut. She pressed her hands to her ears and violently shook her head back and forth. The baby boy, his sister now dead. He would now be raised into this nightmare of a family. My heart pounded rapidly. I tried to calm Lynn down, I grabbed her as she thrashed around. She fell loosely into my arms. I looked up to see Dylan and Jenny in the doorway, Jared held the baby girl.

"Take care of this dylan." Jared handed Dylan the lifeless infant . Dylan froze. I started to shake, Lynn looked up.

" her name. Her name was rose. Don't any of you dare call her a 'this' or 'it.' Her name was rose." Everyone surprisingly nodded there head in agreement. Even the guys. Jenny came into the room and started to clean, Jared walked out with rose and Dylan and Chris handed Lynn her new baby boy.

" look Lynn, I'm so sorry. I didn't want rose to die but, if Jared were to know that we broke the tradition he would have -" Chris's voice was oddly soft. Lynn cut him off she grabbed the boy out of Chris's hands.

" I don't care. I don't want to talk about it. The next person to bring it up, you have to hurt them." Lynn's voice was harsh as she held her son. His face was round and his cheeks were rosy. His eyes were a deep blue. He chewed on his fat fingers. His hair was a light brown. His face covered in freckles just like Lynn's. I got up from the bed, Lynn but her hand on my knee.

" stay." I nodded my head in agreement and sat back down. Jenny came and sat next to us, Jared still sat at the edge of the bed.

"What's his name?" Jenny said softly.

"Alex." Lynn's eyes were red from her crying. Her voice was quiet as she looked into Alex's deep blue eyes. Jenny pulled me out of the bed. We got up and left Lynn and Chris be. The room was silent, and I quietly shut the door behind us. A baby, a new baby boy in the house. I hoped he would be like Dylan and help us escape one day. But for now, the baby needed to be safe. The sun had set, as we sat around the fire, Chris would go outside with Dylan and jared every so often. Alex would cry and then you would here a soft hum of Lynn's gentle voice, and everything was quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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