03 | beginning

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I slowly opened my eyes and found myself at a different place than the last place I remember myself at. I tried to raise my hand carefully but I had pain everywhere. "Ouch", I groaned. Because of the clinical scent and the serum bag above me, I guess I'm in the hospital. I only remember a couple of things from what happened in the ambulance but I have no idea what happened to me.
Suddenly I heard footsteps. A few persons surrounded around me.
One of them laid his hand on my head.

"Are you okay?" He asked. It was my dad.
I was too weak to answer and tried to nod.
The door opened and someone else came in.
"How is she, doctor?", my dad asked.
"[y/n] overused her quirk. But if she rest enough, she will be fine soon.", the doctor said. Everyone sighed in relief.
"Doctor can we talk outside?", my dad asked him while pointing to the door. After they left I tried to adjust the head segment of the bed.

The room was bigger than I expected, There were seven other persons. Their injuries were worse than mine : broken arms , broken necks , scars all over their body's ...
On the bed next to me, there was a boy with half-red and half-white hair sleeping. My eyes expanded when I realized who it was. I directly tried to stand up but the nurse stopped me."Miss, you really need to rest. You need to eat good and sleep well.",She said while looking at my serum bag. She took out a needle. "Why do I need a injection?", I asked fast. She sat next to me and exposed my shoulder. "Because you weakened your body, it isn't strong against diseases as before.",she said while she entered the medical tool in my skin. She tapped on my shoulder after she was done injecting. "Don't use your magic until you are fully healed otherwise you will be worse than you are now.",She said.
Before she left , she fixed my bed back to a lying position. I sighed loud and closed my eyes. Before I knew I was dreaming, dreaming a flashback of 5 years ago. When I was 10 years old.

"[y/n],[y/n]!", my dad was calling me.
It was Sunday and that means that it's my dad's workday. After my mom left, I actually never did go out. Only for school. And when my dad needed to go to a meeting, he always took me with him. "Wear your coat, it's cold outside. Also wear your scarf." My dad looked at me making a funny face. "Daddy, can you braid my hair first?",I asked him.
He nodded and took a hair brush. He braid my hair sloppy and messy. I stood up and looked in the mirror. "I-I'm sorry, you know I'm not the best in this.", he apologized. I started laughing at his confused look. After that we went quickly outside because we were a little late. The building where my dad works is not far away from our house. It's a high building with many plants around it.

I was not allowed to go inside the meeting room,so I always played outside in the park.
On my very own, I always spent my Sundays here. Until today. When I went outside, there was someone else sitting on the bench.
An interesting looking little boy, almost the same age as me. He had red and white hair. I didn't want to be alone anymore. With all my courage I went to him and sat next to him.
He glimpsed at me but quickly looked to the fountain in the centre again. I waved my hand a little and introduced myself ," Hi , I'm [y/n]". He looked back at me and smiled.
"Who are you?", I asked him to break the awkward silence. "Shouto , shouto todoroki.",he answered short. I asked him simple questions and soon, we started talking about little meaningless things to get to know each other better. Our favorite food, our favorite colors, our favorite sports. Before we knew it was time. My dad came outside with a big man next to him. He had a mustache from fire and also his eyebrows were burning. He looked at me and came closer. "So you are my colleague's little daughter.", he said with a straight face."Take care of my son, he isn't really good at making friends",He patted my head while I nodded.

After that day, my boring Sundays weren't boring anymore. I wasn't lonely anymore. I made myself a friend, who I trusted with my whole heart. My dad and I always visited them or the way around. Because of the friendship between todoroki and me, the friendship between our parents were also stronger. So strong that once my dad needed to go to America for his work, he left me with them. I lived 2 months with todoroki. He shared his room with me. His mom carried me like I was also a child of her. They were like my second family and I will never forget what they did for me. My bound with todoroki was always good. We actually never made an argument. He was a good listener, trustworthy and cheered me up when I made quarrels with my dad.

After a year, just like every Sunday todoroki was waiting for me on the bench. But today, he was really quiet. I sat next to him and asked how he was. I repeated my question a few times because he didn't answer. He also avoided eye contact with me. I took his head and turned it towards mine. When I wanted to ask why he was ignoring me, I saw his tears dripping down on a big red scar on his face. Todoroki slowly came closer to me and asked if he could hug me. Before he could I wrapped my arms around him. "Does it hurt? Are you okay?",I asked. "Are you not going to ask what happened?" He answered with a question. I took a second look at his scar.
Carefully, I touched it. It was a big scar that won't be healed. "If you don't want to, you don't need to be friends with me.",he said. "Don't say stupid thing!", I said angry.

"Don't you think I'm ugly now?", he whispered sad. "No?!"I told him.
He was never good with his dad and I'm sure this has something to do with that.
"Nothing of this is your fault.", I smiled at him. I raised my pink up and said;"I will never leave you and that's a promise". He smiled and hooked his pink to mine ;"me too and that's also a promise"....

I felt a shadow on my face and that woke me up from my dream. It was the nurse again.
"I brought your meal.", she said and went to the others for a control. When she left, I stood up and went to the bed next to mines.
Carefully I sat on his bed next to him, Todoroki was still sleeping. It isn't my intention to wake him up. I gently removed his hair that was hiding his face. His scar was still there and his both arms are in bandage. I moved my face closer to his. I wanted to kiss his scar but remembered that the people behind me were looking. His eyes were closed but he smiled. "Long time no see , [y/n]."


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