04 | Captain

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Shouto calmly opened his heterochromia eyes and looked at me deeply. My face was red like a tomato. "S-Sorry for waking you up.", I whispered shy. He smiled but couldn't talk. His both hands were in bandages and he had little scars around his neck. His face was pale, he looked very tired. I covered him well with his blanket and I laid my hand on his forehead. The door opened again, this time my dad came not alone. He came with a nurse and Shouto's dad, Endeavor. "Look who we have here.", Endeavor said while looking at me. I bowed a little out of respect. My dad came closer to me,"after your last control, we can go home". I nodded. "Shouto, you need to stay for a while. Your sister can't come and don't expect me to stay with you." Endeavor continued. "I don't need to stay, say to the doctors that I'm going home.", Shouto said to his dad.

The nurse checked Shoutos blood pressure. It was pretty high. "We will move you to the appropriate department as soon as possible", the nurse told Shouto. Someone needs to stay with him. His sister can't and his dad is a whole other thing. He can't stay alone right? He is still ill, what if something happens? "I- I will stay with Shouto.", I said to his dad and mines. Shouto looked at me and held my hand as for a 'you don't need to'. But I 'ssht' him and smiled.

They moved Shouto to a private room on the fifth floor. It was already 14 o'clock, so the nurses brought Shouto's meal. The meal consisted from rice, miso soup and green tea. I sat next to him on his bed. "I don't think you can eat with this bandages on your hands and arms.", I said jokingly. He crossed his arms and denied to eat. I took a spoon,"Say 'aaaa' ",I joked further. He didn't really liked that I teased him. "I'm not a little child anymore.", he said with a cold tone. "But you act childish. I just want to help you and look what you're doing.", I said back. He thought about what he was doing and slowly loose his arms.

He actually was hungry, but embarrassed that I needed to feed him. "I ate the rice but I'm really not going to drink the soup.", he said.
I sighed,"Soup is the best treatment for weakness and illness, you must drink it". He shook his head. After all of his rejections , I still forced him to to drink it. When he finished eating, the nurse came with a new serum bag and controlled Shouto again. She gave his pills and told that Shouto needs to sleep a lot. But Shouto was stubbornly and didn't want to sleep. I pushed my chair close to his bed so that I could hold his hands. He had a slight blush on his face.
"Close your eyes.", I whispered. He obeyed me and fell asleep right after.

There were still so many things I wanted to ask and know about him. How he had been after I left, If he visits his mom, how his school life have been, who his best friends are, if he missed me or even forgot me, if he uses his left side, if he ever dated..
Someone knocked on the door and took me away from my thoughts.
"Come in!"

A girl with black hair came in, she had a fruit basket with her. "Oh hey, I'm Yaoyorozu Momo. Shouto's classmate.", she kind of introduced herself. I stood up and welcomed her. She took seat on the chair next to me. So she is a friend hm. She already introduced her herself, it would be rude if I don't. Even though I didn't really liked her at the first sight. "I'm [y/n] [l/n] , shouto's childhood friend. Nice to meet you.", I introduced myself too. "Ah nice to meet you t-[LAST NAME]? I-I don't want to sound like busybody or something but.. are you captain [last name]'s daughter ?", she asked curiously. I scratched the back of my head and faked a laugh.
"Right, I'm his daughter.", I admitted. She was fully shocked, I could see her being uncomfortable. "I see Shouto is sleeping, I-I was nearby and just wanted to visit quickly. So uh, can you tell him tomorrow that I came? I-I need to go.", She tried to escape. I really didn't like her and how she reacted after she found out who I am.
"You know the way out, bye.", I said without even looking at her. She left and the deafening silence filled the room. I looked back at Shouto again, He was still sleeping.

I stretched my arms and looked at the fruit basket. I didn't ate meal today and was starving. But I'm also not thinking about eating something that that girl brought. She overreacted and pissed me off. So people actually know the story behind my mom and her family. I opened the door and leaned on the side of it, the hall was empty. My tummy was grumbling. Luckily, the nurse that took care of Shouto was passing. "Oh, miss! Do you have a moment?", I called her. She came closer and I told her the case. She laughed and came back with some bread and cheese. "You know, I actually can't do this. But you asked it so nice.", she said while she sat next to me. Would she also know it ? No other way to find out than to ask.

"Miss, can you tell me more about..captain [last name]?", I asked , like I didn't knew who he actually is. "Captain [last name]? where do you come from? The countryside?", she said jokingly. But I looked very serious and waited for an answer. the young nurse sighed and leaned back. Preparing to tell a long story...

"Captain [last name] , or the well known super-hero 'EnergyShadow' was just a superhero just like Endeavor and All might. I even heard the three were classmates. He gratulated from the very famous UA-like school back then. His energy stealing quirk was very powerful, but he was also famous for his other quirks or his sympathy with humanity. There are always limits to quirks after all, if he overuses it can seriously damage his body. After some hero years, EnergyShadow married a beautiful woman and they were pretty happy together. Then it turned out that the woman was a daughter of a certain villain family. Even though she wasn't a bad person, people started hating her and spread rumors about her. She didn't care about what people thought and lived her life. When it was their second year of marriage, the people got to hear good news, namely that she was pregnant. She brought a cute girl to the world, people forgot about her rumors and started loving and respecting her.
Until a villain attack took place in the city. Not regular villains, the family of the wife. They came to see their new family member.
While fighting and defending, The beautiful woman got badly injured. She was at the point of dying and leaving her husband and her little daughter, but EnergyShadow gave all of his energy to her and saved her life. He get beyond his limits and lost his power after that, he did all of this for his wife. But she left him. After all what the man did for her, she left him and her daughter. And nobody heard of her again. EnergyShadow is nowadays more known as captain [last name], he works with the government now. He is the Boss of the hero department and is still loved by people.",
The nurse ended. "Hope I learned you something, need to go!", she said and left.
Even though I know the story very well and that the story is all about my parents, I had tears in the corner of my eyes. I went to the washroom and washed my face to calm down.

The half-red half-white haired boy was still sleeping, only he was sweating really hard. I rushed to him and laid my hand on his forehead. He was burning! I ran back to the washroom and looked in the closets for a bowl. I filled it with water and took a cloth. With this I wanted to lower the body temperature, I washed his face and neck. After that I made his wrist and chest wet. I rushed to the bathroom and reversed the water. My night went on like this time and time again.


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