13 | battle

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My dad sat down. "Come, take place.", he said to Shouto and me. We were already late for school. "Don't stare like that and eat. I'll contact your teacher.", my dad stated as he called his assistant. She sat down next to my dad, giving him his phone. He gasped instantly when he saw all of the notifications. "Why did you call me 24 times?", he said shocked.

"I was alone yesterday and got scared. Because I couldn't reach you I called Shouto.", I explained. My dad had a guilty expression, this is not the first time this happened. He is always busy with his work and forgets me sometimes. "Thank you for keeping a eye on [y/n].", my dad thanked Shouto. My dad is a very serious person and doesn't say kind things often. He even acts different on tv. However today he thanked Shouto sincerely. While we were eating, my dad's chauffeur got ready. We missed our bus, but school is still going on. "I heard that you have a test today, so you guys need to hurry.", the assistant told us. Shouto and I quickly finished our meal and left.

When we arrived at school, everyone was at the training fields. Miss midnight was waiting for us. She lead us to the others. We could hear Present Mic talking as a MC, with a huge crowd of pupils in front of him. All classes of the school were here. This test must be really important. Something that took my attention was that everyone was wearing different shirts.

Iida is the class-representatives so as his task, he ran to us and started explaining the test-rules. "We're divided in teams, green-colored t-shirts are heroes, red-colored are civilians, blue-colored are villains. The heroes need to battle against the villains and than rescue the civilian. But that's not all. There will be pro-heroes watching and judging you. Your skill information and your score will be send to your agency to decide your further positions...", Iida moved his hands in different directions. Sir Aizawa handed us our T-shirts.

The main goal is clear, only this task is all about teamwork. I'm hoping for a good match. I sighed as I saw todoroki and Momo together, they both were wearing a blue t-shirt with number six on it. Not only was I sad because I missed a good partner, but also is he paired with the best person possible. I also got a t-shirt with number six, but mines was green.

"Hey shithead!", Bakugou yelled at me. I slapped my forehead as I saw him in the same shirt as me. Out of all these people, I need to group up with this one? Okay his quirk is strong, but he gets aggressive easily. "You don't need to worry, we'll smash them and save that dumb Deku fast!", Bakugou grinned. I jokingly slapped his nape, "I warn you now, If you hurt Shouto I'll kill you." He mimicked me and got pissed. Fighting them doesn't mean we need to hurt them or kill them. In the fight we just need to stop them, so they can't stop us from saving the civilian.

The teams come to the turn in chronological order. We were team six, almost the last team. Even though I don't like Momo, the fact that she is skilled is true. We can't just go and fight, than they will find an way and block us. "Bakugou, We need to find a strategy. You were longer in Momo's class. Do you know any of her weaknesses?", I asked my teammate. He was acting stubbornly and didn't work with me at all. If this task wasn't all about agencies, I would never do this.

I held bakugou by his shoulders. "Listen here dumbass, if you want to surpass All Might or whatever, you need to full-fill this task, CORRECTLY. We need to work as a team so first listen to what I have to say and than debate with me!", I implied to him. His jaw fell open. Perhaps no one talked against him before. Talking like this helped and converted him. "I agree with you now, but never ever talk to me like this again.", he groaned pissed.

Momo has the ability to produce what ever she wants, from any exposed body part. So if we cover her body, she wouldn't be able to anymore. Bakugou can't cover her with fire, But I can with a 'energy-shield' but then around her body. Like this she can't defense. I explained Bakugou. "Okay, than I will fight her and you Shouto?", he asked. I nodded.

The fifth team started with their test. "If everything goes as planned, we will win. Come to me and we'll discuss together if something goes wrong. Got it?", I made sure that Bakugou wouldn't break off our plan. "Team 5 ended the test, team 6 get readyyyyy!", the MC shouted. I gave Bakugou and high-five and we both entered the field.

Ground beta looked like a standard urban area. It looked just like a city. Bakugou and I ran almost for 10 minutes and than finally found Midoriya. He was tied up around a tree. The so-called villains, Shouto and Momo were not around Deku. "Let's attack now!", Bakugou shouted. I pulled by his arm. This is not normal. This must be their plan, to trick us. We were hiding behind a building. I placed myself to the best position for me to absorb energy from the tree. While I was doing this, Bakugou ran to Midoriya. Didn't I told him to wait? That dumbass. Suddenly the ground froze and bakugou's movements were stopped. Before the opponent-team could attack him, Bakugou melted the ice and started attacking them back. "Like I would let you win!", Bakugou shouted.

When I was done absorbing enough energy for a shield, I ran back to Bakugou and defensed him. "You handle the half-and-half bastard and I will handle the girl.", Bakugou shouted before he attacked Momo. I quickly covered Momo and ran toward Shouto. I saw him grinning from the distance. Before I could react, a giant ice wall made its way to me.

Shouto takes this battle seriously as much as I do. I dodged the ice and ran next to it closely, running directly to Shouto. His energy from his quirk is still in his ice, so I could easily manipulate it. While I was making the ice bigger, Shouto was preparing fire to melt it. His fire is way more stronger than the ice I'm controlling now. I glanced behind me and saw Bakugou finishing Momo. Bakugou is counting on me, I cannot disappoint him.

I took my bladed boomerang from my hero-costume and threw it in the direction of Shouto's leg. Shouto was in shock, he never saw me using my other quirk. When the boomerang returned, it was fully covered in blood. Just as planned. Never thought that this day would come. I'm using my second quirk without a doubt. Slowly I took some blood and licked it. Shouto stopped moving, I fully paralyzed him. Behind me, Bakugou was loosing Midoriya. The sirens wailed, we won.

Bakugou and Midoriya were returning to the exit. But I walked over to Shouto. I felt bad for hurting him and letting him stand in a uncomfortable position. But somehow it felt pleasurable to see Shouto suffer at the same time...


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