15 | change

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[A/n::: okah first I'm sorry for being inactive guys! My phone broke so I switched to another one. And secondly, in this chapter Shouto does not appear sorry not sorry, but this chapter simply tells about the hardship the reader has with her thoughts. Hope you guys don't mind and have fun reading it!]


"Just be both", Dabi just said like it was nothing. That is impossible, I can not go to a number one hero-school and after school hours go do bad things. "You hate this world right? Don't worry about others, they are all lairs.", Dabi stood up while talking. This world is bad and unfair, but there are people I don't want to lose or hurt. They are important to me. Just like Shouto. I can't imagine a world without him, I can't leave him again.

"What are you thinking? Is there someone who isn't a liar?"

Dabi stared at me. It was like he read my mind. We met each other trough my uncle. The day I left my home because of the quarrel with my dad, he spoke to me and we became 'Friends'.

Dabi tilted my chin, "In the short time we did not see each other, you changed a lot."

I did. I was so different now, this is driving me crazy. I want to be bad but if I do, I feel like someone I love will hate me and that person is Shouto. I sighed and scratched my forehead. "Where is that sadistic you?", Dabi chuckled. I'm still the 'me' that enjoys inflicting pain on others. Even I try to change myself, I cannot. My mind is a mess. "I'm going to take a walk and go home.", I stood up. Dabi answered negative to me. "No wait, there is something I want to show you.", he said, lighting a second cigarette. He showed me an old apartment. Just like it was his owning, he went inside.

Loud voices came from the cellar. Dabi knocked on the door asking the ones inside to open the door. A short girl with blond hair took us in. Her eyes following every move of mine. "Who is she?'', the girl asked when she clinged on dabi's arm. He ignored her curious question and lead me to a table. I felt uncomfortable because I came here. This place was filled with all kind of weirdos. "you see, these are my mates. And we recently entered this group called 'the league of villains''. I gasped when I heard it. Some pupils on our school already mentioned that group. They also attacked my class before. "So? What do you mean?", I asked Dabi. He grinned. "Join it too, they help us find places to attack. The leader of the group is a asshole but still they're goo-". I stood up without fully listening to him. Dabi already knew I was not going to accept it. Let alone the fact that my dad will not like it that I came here to talk with Dabi, he'll kill me if he learns about me joining a villain group. I thanked Dabi and quickly got out that scary place.

I was sad. I was confused. But most of all I was angry. I still can't believe that my dad took a decision without asking me anything again. The last time he did was when he wanted to send me to a hero-school. My dad just registered me and then told me about it. That was 1 year ago, or almost. "you're changing schools, UA is a very good one! Your future will be perfect.", he said proudly. At that time, I had no idea. He was trying to be thoughtfull but didn't think about my opinion at all. He just did what HE wanted.

I don't want to stay at my dad's place. It will only make me remember what happened. Luckily I still have my keys of my own apartment. I thought. I walked trough my street with my hood on. It was not the right time to get recognized by my neighbors. I turned around the corner and got up the external metal stairs of the apartment. Kneeling down close to my flower pot I searched for my key. "Huh", I said confused. My keys disapeared. I cursed myself and went downstairs. I'm sure I left them there? Did someone take them?

I put on my hood again and walked through the dark streets. Trying to think about a solution. My phone, my wallet, nothing. I had nothing with me. Drunk men and weird women on the streets were dancing and singing. I dodged them, don't want to bother with them right now. Who knows what they drank and took in. Those bastards need a life. I ignored them and started thinking. I need a place to stay, a residence, were my thoughts. Untill I felt a dark shadow behind me.
I felt it again. It was following me and holding me from looking behind me.

My hands were trembling. My body and face were forcing me to turn around. But no, I couldn't. The shadow spread a nice scent out, I wanted to smell all of it. A hand appeared in front of me, pressing a white cloth in my face. The same smell was on it. But now, it wasn't that nice. A pain flashed to my head and slowly my vision dimmed down.

People were talking, but I couldn't hear them. Their voices were blurred. I opened my eyes but saw nothing. Am I blindfolded? I tried to lift my hands but they were also stopped.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. The shuffling sounds became louder and louder, the person made its way to me. Not knowing how to react, I remained still. I waited. I waited for the person to talk or to do something. Somehow it didn't. "H-hello?", my voice echoed. Right after that, a chuckle sound echoed.

"Do you know why you are here?", a male person asked me. Not giving me the time to think, he just told me why: "bad bad villains should just be killed. People who help them aswell."

What is he talking about? And who is he? He says he's against villains so he can't be one.. is he some kind of hero?

My eyes were blindfolded and my body was locked to a chair. The only thing I could do is hear.

"You're very smart, thinking like that." , the male talked again. Thinking like what? I didn't said that loud out. Did he hear my... thoughts? I moved my face up and down, the blindfold was on my nose. This scent, again. Where am I? Can't he just talk and tell me.

"Oof, you think too much! Just relax!", he loudly said.

He definitely has a quirk that allows him to hear my thoughts. Like this I can't find a strategy, he will stop me directly.

"Correct! I see; you want me to free you, right? If you want that, you need to do something in return. This world is a GIVE AND TAKE world, you know?", his weird words were followed by a evil laugh. He placed his hands on my shoulder. "let's make a deal, I'll ask you questions and you'll anwser them honestly. If you do so, you will be free!", he laughed.

I doubt him, his way of talking makes me confused. Can I even trust him? I sighed, he planned this all. I have no other choice.

"Is your answer; yes or no?", he wanted me to decide. I nodded. He was hyped up and took something. "First question, how do you feel right now?" Is he kidding me? I felt a flicking sound. "Uh, I feel weak, I mean because of the smell.", I still need to be careful. He hummed and writed down in a notebook. I'm guessing all of this. I can be wrong too, but by this context its the most logical solution.

"What do you think about our society? Villains and heroes?", his tone was serious now. I was silent. Our society sucks. Heroes kill villains who try to kill civillains. It's not the best way, but it's the only way. "I hate it.", I simply said. But he was satisfied.

"Last question and maybe the hardest one. Does it change for you to save a person you love and hurt someone you don't know? ", he asked. well, at some point it is like that. I can ignore feelings of others for my own egoist wanting. A negative aspect of my personality. "Did people tell you that you changed a lot?", he asked again. Actually they do, everytime I see someone after a long time they say it. "Yes and yes.", I answered.

"Yes for what and what? I asked two questions, answer clearly."

"Of course I do mind hurting people, if I know them or not. I'm not that bad to hurt innocent people.", I answered.

"Not that bad, yet. You wanted to hurt those drunk people didn't you?", he stopped writing. I heard his shoes touching the ground again. His hands removed my blondfold and he freed my hands from the handcuffs. "Thanks for your collaboration! You can leave now.", he said in his cheerfull voice again. He lookes younger than I imagined. He was also wearing a lab coat. I hurried and went to the door. Right before I wanted to open it, he told me:

"I believe in you, do not let yourself be caught, be the 'you' you want to be."

»»————- [unedited] ————-««

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