18 | chaos

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After hearing him saying that my mom knows about Shouto, I got outraged. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but she knows even more.", his watery eyes finally bursted out. He was simply telling me I am in danger. What's more important, was that my mom was not only after me but also after Shouto. "It's all my fault...", he sobbed while talking. Every word he said pissed me off. "Good job knowing.", I stood up and went to the exit.

In the hallway, Shouto was calling someone on the phone. "Are you done talking?", Sir Robert asked me. I'm more than done with that traitor, I thought. While I was waiting for Shouto, Robert went inside. "Who was it?", I asked Shouto when he ended his call. It was bad news. "We need to go.", Shouto stated as he took my hand. Robert was still inside. "We should tell him first, wait.", I let go of his grip and opened the door. "Robe—", I couldn't finish my sentence. The dark spacious room was now revealed trough an opened window. The sun was shining inside, on the crying face of Robert, who was lying down in pain.

Shouto and I rushed to him, and started inspecting his wounds. "He is gone...", Robert words came between his howling. The window was fully broken, shattered glass was all over the place. "She came— and took him with her...", Robert tried to stand up. But the cuts in his body hurt him too much. "Stay still, I will heal you.", I demanded. Not long after, also shotgun sounds came, screams were heard and crying children were running. Please don't say you are doing all of this, mom. Not right now, Not in this way.

Taking of Robert clothes, I took a second look at his wound. Deep cuts in his skin. Deep cuts made by sharp knives, owned by someone who attacks from a far distant. His blood vessels were injured as-well. At a slow speed, I healed his cuts, one by one.

Heavy running men entered the room. "Kids leave this to us, we'll handle this.", the leader of the hero squad told us. Shouto stood up and listened to the man. I remained on my place, trying to end the work I began with. "Didn't you hear me? No time for games, we are in a rush.", he aggressively shouted.

Looking at the leader's squad, there were only fighters. "You don't have a healer, how you want to handle an injured man?", I quickly said and focused back at Robert. I was almost done. Covering Robert again, I left him to the squad as asked. "You are a troublemaker; just like your mom, aren't you?", the squad-leader was pissed. If Shouto wasn't here, I surely would learn him a lesson. "Ignore him, it's not the right time.", Shouto knew the best. He was right. There is chaos going on.

Down stairs it wasn't better. Everyone was send outside and the whole building was under research. Shouto went to Tokoyami and I followed him. "Did you get the news about the others?", He asked Toko. He nodded. Probably the other groups have the same problem. "Lets go to the hospital now.", Shouto recommended. He was sad, his eyes expressed worries. "Are there many injured ones?", I asked when I hook my arm to Shouto's. Tokoyami stared at Shouto. "Didn't you tell her?", he enquired.

Shouto was hiding information. Not knowing why, made mixed emotions grew in me. We were close to the hospital. "Stay calm okay?", Shouto whispered in my ear. The whole hospital was upside down. Doctors running from place to place. People crying and screaming. Sir Aizawa was waiting for us. Making our way to the room, I saw familiar faces. All might and Midoriya's mom were here too. She was crying and All Might—who is close to her, was trying to comfort her.

I took a deep breath. There was a pain in my chest, telling me all of this was my fault. The empty feeling was choking me.

Shouto went in the room first, followed by Tokoyami. I went in as last. Directly covering my fell-open mouth, I closed my eyes. All of our class members were laying on the bed except for Iida. Slowly opening and accepting it, I checked the heartbeat monitors. Feeling a sudden pressure on me, made me look at the only remaining person. His furious looks scared me. "[y/n], we need to talk.", Iida's tones didn't sound pleasant. He wanted to pull me outside, but was stopped by Shouto.

"If you want to talk, do it here.", Shouto told him. Iida gave Shouto an angry look. It would be better to talk outside, although Shouto is planning to defense me. "You know why all of this happened?", Iida took out a knife and showed me. "Remember this?", he asked me again. It was a knife with a pointy blade and a red hilt. Of course I know whose equipment those are. I just don't want to believe it.

"Enough Iida.", shouto moved me behind him. Iida inhaled deeply. The whole class got injured during a sudden attack, by a villain squad. Iida who was not that wounded had no other option but to search for help instead of fight. It can be nobody else's, but my mom's squad. She must know that I'm not there. Than why did she attack them? What is this crazy woman planning?

Wrapping my arms around shouto, I tried to relax. "Are you alright?", He asked. I wasn't okay, Iida was telling the truth. Suddenly All Might and miss Midoriya entered the room with two weaponed heroes. "What is happening sir?", Iida got up. They didn't answer. The silence broke us. "Whatever may be the case, stay here.", All Might told us.

That does not count for me. "Shouto, I'm going...", I prepared myself. Disagreeing with my decision, he hold me back. "No? It's too dangerous.", He and Iida said synchronous. Ignoring them, I left.

The hallways were empty at the moment. This made me doubt, I can't trust this. Stooping a little, I made sure the area was safe. I came to the crosspoint of the hall. Checking my left, there was no one. However at my right, there were two men holding sight. Watching them closely, I tried to attack them with my quirk. They both fell down after I stole their energy.

I need to be careful because I'm bereft of information. How many villains are present? What are they planning? I sneaked to the knocked down villains. They had weapons and bombs, I didn't take them. Only a knife. A simple jack-knife. After fully making them unable to move, I went further.

"You should not be here.", A voice behind me spoke. Sir Aizawa was depleted. "Go back.", he demanded. I can't. My mom won't stop until she has what she wants. In this situation; me. "Watch out—", Sir Aizawa pushed me to the wall. He saved me from a thrown knife. "Ohhh~ I found you!", a small male laughed.

He ran up to me and attempted to catch me. Sir Aizawa attacked the villains who came from the other side. "You know how long I'm searching you?", he laughed. What a psychopath. He almost threw all of his knife collection at me. "Hehee this knife is really special, boss gave it to me~", He showed his knife. Again, A pointy red knife. Then she is obviously his boss. "You wander too much in your thoughts, you're boring!", I didn't saw him. At that moment, he stabbed me in my stomach. My scream echoed in the hallway. 

"Gotcha!", he screamed to celebrate his victory. "Boss will be proud of me~"

»»————- [unedited] ————-««

Y'all have the right to hate me—I'm such a bad author lol
Sorry for the REALLY late updates :(

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