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2 Years Earlier...

I continued to painfully engage in my school work. The screeching of the chalk against the blackboard made me achingly cringe, at the sound of each stroke. 

Verity Taylor, aged 17. 

My story is cliché...

The freshly bound student who transferred to a new school on a scholarship.

Thus being the only teenager in the whole school without a friend.

Let alone, the only person who teachers like because of my high acting and music ability.

Which bounds to make the students dislike me so much more...

Typical story line bull crap.

As much as one enjoys being educated, today was not my day...

Usually the vibe of a regular high school classroom, would allow me to escape and drift off into an automatic coziness of intelligence.  However, I cannot stand the thought of being here.

It's so strange as well, I'm sitting in dramatic arts... My favourite lesson.

The topic of Antonin Artaud, theatre of cruelty. Artists assaulting the senses of the audience, allowing them to feel unexpressed emotions of ones subconscious. 

Throughout most of educational experience, I went to single sex schools. 

And to put it plain and simple.

It was shit. 

So finally given the opportunity to come here was a blessing. 

New surroundings.

A fresh start.

While this school has its hierarchy, and it still contains bitches, hoes and sluts; I came anyway. 

The constant blabbering of my drama teacher was starting to enrage me. I wanted out.

But then he smiled at me.

Although the Harrodian School did have it's bad qualities, it had some perks.


Lots of them.


There is this one guy, him...

His name is Jack.   

Green eyes that sparkle like emeralds.

Hair, the colour of milk chocolate.

A smile that would take your breath away. 

And a physique so toned and perfectly balanced, you would think he was photo-shop itself.

Guys were usually the least of my concern, but Jack was different.

Everyone in the school loved him.

Together with his twin brother Finn, they were the 'it' boys. 

And I couldn't resist the tasty man candy that was Jack Harries. 

No one could. 

All of us wanted a slice of the pie. 

The fact that he just looked at me, caused me to tremble.  My brown eyes enlarged at the sight of his beauty; handsome as ever.

I alluringly ruffled my almond coloured hair and shot him a quick smile.

Why did I do that?


My orbs attempted to refocus onto my work, regaining my attention to learning. 

I never looked at him again during that class.

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