Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Mikey's POV:

So here I am walking in the sewers alone because Raphie had a tantrum. All I did was accidentally trip over Spike and he freaked out. He didn't even care that I scraped up my shin. He was only worried about Spike. Sometimes I think Raph likes Spike more than me. Actually most of the time I think he likes Spike more than me. Raph probably wishes Spike was his little brother instead of me. I feel my eyes sting with tears. No! Raph wouldn't want to replace me... right? Shell, I don't even know. I sigh as I kick a rock lightly as I walk thinking to myself. Not knowing where I am going. I'm suddenly flat on my face. "Ouch!" I groan rubbing my head. "Man, I am clumsy today" I say turning to look at what I tripped over. I look down to see a copper school bell. "Whoa" I'm stun as I reach down and pick it up. The dark brown metal handle looks just like wood. On the bell part there is a swirly design that looks pretty cool. I shake the bell to receive a glorious ring. "I gotta show Raph this" I say happily skipping down the sewers towards the lair.

Raph's POV:

I look over Spike carefully trying to see if any damage came to him after Mikey, being the bone head he is, fell over him. "Mikey. You got lucky this time" I growl out after seeing that Spike was not hurt in anyway. I put Spike on my shoulder as Leo comes into the living room. He grabs the TV remote and turns the TV on. After a few seconds of channel flipping he stops on Space Hero. "You know that show is stupid right?" I ask bluntly as a grin forms on Leo's face.

"What? No it isn't. Space Hero is a great show" Leo argues sitting down on the floor and watching it. "By the way, where is Mikey?" Leo asks turning his head to face me.

"Yeah I haven't seen him in two hours" Donnie says coming out of his lab.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?!" I sneer with a look of disgust on my face.

"What happen between you two?" Donnie asks looking confused.

I open my mouth when I hear a very loud and annoying "RAPHIE!"

All faces turn to the door to see an orange head banded turtle come skipping through the door. I groan as I try to hide myself behind Spike.

"Raph! Raph! Look what I found in the sewer" Mikey's voice sounded so happy. Why does he always have to annoy me? "Oh there you are Raph. Look what I found" Mikey says holding out his hand. I look to see a bell.

"You are showing me a freakin bell?!" I say looking at him with the 'You are a fucking idiot' face.

"Isn't it cool?" Mikey asks a smile spreading on his face.

"Yeah Mikey it is" Leo says, nodding his head before going back to Space Hero.

"Where did you find that?" Donnie asks taking a better look at it.

"In the sewers" Mikey says proudly before shoving it back into my face.

"Mikey, get that piece of shit out of my face" I growl moving my face away from the bell. Mikey's smiling face turns to a frown.

Mikey's POV:

I thought Raph would like my newly found bell. Leo and Donnie did, but I don't care about their opinion. I look up to Raph and hearing him call something I found a piece of shit made my heart crack a little.

"Mikey will you just go away?!" Raph growls pushing me back before standing up. "Can't you see I don't even like you?!" that did it my heart completely broke at that sentence. Tears stream down my face. I try to stop them but they don't stop.

"Raphael! Why would you say that to Mikey?" Leo demands turning off the TV.

"Mikey" Donnie pleads. I choke up sobs as I sniff.

Suddenly everything around me goes quiet. I see my brothers' mouth moving but nothing comes out. All I hear that beautiful ring of the bell in my hand. I'm not shaking it. It is just sitting in my hand. I feel Donnie's hand touch my shoulder, bringing all the loud sounds rushing to my ears.

"GAH!" I howl out clenching my hands over my ears, dropping the bell, and shut my eyes tightly as I step out of Donnie's touch. The room is silent again. "Mike? You okay?" Leo's voice sounds so concern.

"Mikey what's wrong?" Donnie's voice asks. Tears still flowing from my eyes.

"He is just wanting attention" Raph snorts. That sentence circles throughout my head.

"SHUT UP RAPH!" I scream, hands still clutching my head. "I HATE YOU!" I shout before running to my room, not before picking up the bell.

"Mikey! Wait!" Leo calls after me. Once I am in my room I slam the door and lock it. I then throw myself onto my bed, crying my eyes out. Stupid Raph.

Raph's POV:

I stare wide eyes at Mikey's closed door in stun.

"Good going Raph" Leo says sternly at me.

"Mikey open the door" I look to see Donnie knocking at the door. I don't speak. I don't know what to say.

Mikey hates me? I think silently to myself. Regret and guilt enters my heart and squeezes it.

I told Mikey I didn't like him... I think staring at Mikey's door. I have said that to him tons of time. Was this the breaking point?

"Go apologize" Leo demands pointing towards the door. I am unable to move or speak. I see Donnie walk back to us.

"He won't open the door or talk to me" he says looking at Leo then sternly at me.

"What? Not my fault he is a big cry baby" I snort. I imminently regret saying that. I'm am about to take it back when I see a flash of blue light appears under Mikey's door followed by a loud, high pitch, painful, terrifying scream.

"MIKEY!" Leo, Donnie, and I scream running to Mikey's door.

"Mikey? Mikey!" I yell banging on the door.

"Let me pick the lock" Donnie says in a rush, pushing both Leo and me out of the way.

"No time!" I say kicking the door. The door falls to the floor as we all rush into Mikey's room. Mikey is nowhere to be scene. Donnie and Leo run out of the room. Donnie goes to his lab while Leo follows. I search with my eyes around the room, looking for the non-existing Mikey. I suddenly hear a small whimper. I turn my head to catch a hint of orange under Mikey's bed. "Mikey?" I say uncertain as I look under the bed. My eyes widen as big as saucers.



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