Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Raph's POV:

I haven't seen Mikey in over an hour and I'm starting to feel agitated. For some god awful reason ever since April took Mikey I have felt on edge. All I want to do is punch something. I tried to get Mikey back but April won't let any of us near him. I almost punched April right in the face. I probably would have if Leo and Donnie hadn't had dragged me away telling me we need to give Mikey some pace. That was half an hour ago. For the rest of the time I have been beating up the punching dummy. I look up at the clock. 5:50. I sigh and wipe the sweat from my brow. I'm panting and sweating as I sit down on the couch to cool off. Why am I like this? Why am I so on edge?My mind is going on and off every few minutes. I stand up and grab my Sais. I write a quick note and leave the lair.

April's POV:

I have been spending over an hour blocking Mikey off from the others. Every time Mikey even hears one of their voices he stops talking. Normally it would be heaven if Mikey would just shut up every once in a while but now it just weird. For the last 10 minutes Mikey has been playing with blocks as I read Kaspar, The Titanic Cat. Suddenly the room gets quiet. Too quiet. I look up to see Mikey gone. I throw my book down on the bed and sit up. "Mikey?" I call out at, looking around my room. "Mikey?" I ask again as I look under my bed. "Mikey!?"I shout. I can't find him.

Donnie's POV:

I place the bell Mikey found in the sewers a few days ago under the microscope. Nothing seems out of the ordinary with this bell, confusing me. "How were you able to turn Mikey into a toddler?" I ask the bell, even though I know it is not going to reply back. I sigh as I get no result. Using tongs I take the bell and black it back into the glass box. I place an elbow on the table and rest my cheek on my hand as I stare at the bell in the glass box. Suddenly I feel something tap my leg. I brush it off and continue to stare at the bell. The tapping continues one. I look down to see Mikey looking up at me, with one of my wrenches in his hand. I quickly snatch the wrench from him and set it on my desk. As I look back down at Mikey a whimpering sound erupts from his throat. "M-Mikey?" I ask uncertain as Mikey's lip quivers. Ah geez. Raph is going to kill me. I bend down and pick Mikey up and setting him into my lap. "There, there. It's alright"

"Nee mad" Mikey whimpers quietly.

"No, no I'm not mad"

"You not?"

"No, why would I?" Mikey shrugs. I sigh as I turn around in my chair to work on a new project.

"What that?" Mikey asks, standing up in my lap with his hands on the edge of my desk, looking up onto my work.

"This? Oh, this is going to be a new toaster since someone decided to put a fork in the last one" I explain giving Mikey a look as he looks innocently up at me and giggles. I roll my eyes, smirking down at him. I then realize this is the first time I have hung out with Mikey, alone, since he was turned into a child. Raph doesn't let Mikey out of his sight. I mean seriously. Once I heard Raph growl at Leo just for patting him on the head. As much as I love my big bro but this is ridiculous. Raph needs to take a chill pill. Which doesn't exist. Maybe I should invent one.

"Nee? Waz dat?" Mikey's small voice pulls me out of my thoughts making me look down at him. He is looking at the bell. "Pwetty" Mikey begins to reach for the bell.

"No!" I should louder than I want to as I rip Mikey's hand away from the container holding the bell. "Don't touch that! Don't ever touch that, got it? It's dangerous" guilt immediately seeps into me as I watch Mikey's innocent baby blue eyes water up and his lip quivers. Oh geez not again. "I'm sorry Mikey" I coo, holding him closer to me with his shell to my stomach. "I just don't want you to get hurt" Mikey nods in understandment as he rubs his eyes with his forearm. I sigh as I explain "This is the bell that turned you into the 5 year old you are now. You used to be 15"

"What happen?" Mikey sniffles, staring at the bell. I stay silent for a while pondering on whether or not I should tell him.

He is only 5, maybe it isn't such a good idea to tell him. What if think it is a lie? Oh who am I kidding Mikey will believe anything I say. He always had and he always will. But... What if he hate's Raph? If he starts to hate Raph, Raph will probably use me as his new punching bag. Yikes! But Mikey could forget. Mikey forgets everything that doesn't involve cartoons, comic books, numchucks, video games, or pizza. Ugh what should I do?

"Nee okay?" Mikey's curious, innocent voice pulls me from my focus once more. I blink and look down.

"Uh... Yeah I'm fine" I smile down at him. "Don't worry about it" I finish rubbing his head. Mikey smiles up at me and claps his hands.

"Nee play with me! Nee play with me!" Mikey chants, his grin growing larger and larger.

"Mikey I'm busy" I regret those words as soon as they leave my lips because Mikey's face fell and his eyes got glassy.

"O-otay" Mikey mutters sadly. I sigh as I pick him up and cradle him.

"I guess I could use a little break" I say with a small smile as I walk out of my lab.

"Yay! Play time with Nee!" Mikey cheers. A smile spreads across my face.

Mikey can make anyone happy at anytime, anywhere.


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