Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Raph's POV:

I have been chasing Mikey for about a good 20 minutes and I'm already winded. I thought that since Mikey was 5 he would have had not as much ninja skills but I was dead wrong. He is a sneaking little brat. I stand up. Just a few moments ago I saw Mikey run into the kitchen but when I ran in after him he launched himself at me. He knocked me over and knocked the air out of me.

"Damn brat" I grumble under my breath. I hear a snicker behind me making me turn. I see Leo leaning on the wall smirking at me. "What are you laughing about?!" I snap at him.

"Woah Raph. Calm down" Leo says getting off of the wall and holding his hands up.

"I'm completely calm" I shoot back.

"Are you sure Mikey is the one who needs the nap and not you?" Leo says smiling amusingly at me. I snort

"Very funny, Leo. You try catching a 5 year old ball of energy"

"Okay" Leo shrugs and goes over to the fridge. I watch him curiously as he pulls out a slice of pizza and shoves it into the microwave. Few seconds later I hear a beep meaning the pizza is done. Leo pulls it out and sets it on a plate and sits down at the table.

"Did you forget we are trying to catch Mikey?! Not eat!" I shout throwing my hands in the air, frustrated.

"I know" Leo says simply "Mikey! Want some Pizza?!" Leo shouts making my clamp my hands over my ears.


I look at the door and see Mikey come running in. My mouth drops as my eyes stares from Mikey to Leo as he hands Mikey the plate. Mikey eats the pizza in 10 seconds flat. I'm surprised he was even able to do that since he only has like four teeth in his mouth. As soon as Mikey was done Leo swoop down and picked him up.

"Alright Mikey time for a nap"

"No! No nap!" Mikey squirms in Leo's arms.

"If you take a nap I'll give you more pizza when you wake up"

"Weally?" Mikey says looking hopefully up at Leo.

"Really" Mikey sits in Leo's arms obviously thinking before nodding agreeing to take a nap. Leo sends me a smirk before walking out of the room with Mikey. I feel rage bubble inside of me but as soon as it came it left. I was too tired to do anything. I sluggishly make my way to the couch and flop onto it. I see Spike chomping on his leaf on the arm rest happily. I pet his head before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Leo's POV:

I set Mikey down into his new crib that Donnie made. I pull up the side of it making Mikey immobile to go anywhere. I can tell Mikey is nowhere near tired so I decide to try something.

"So Mikey how was Playing with Raph?"

"Waphie is supa fun to pway with" Mikey says cheerfully a smile dancing on his cute freckled face.

"Why don't you tell me about it"

"Well... Auntie Apewl gave me coloring pages and I colored!" Mikey says. "Did you have fun?" I ask amusingly. He totally forgot I was in the room with him. Mikey nods his head as he lays on his back.

"Yeah I dwew you as a wion. Nee a doggie. And Waphie a bunny wabbit!" Mikey explains with a giggle. I see Mikey yawn. I place his favorite duct taped teddy bear next to him and cover him up with a blanket.

"Sleep tight Mikey" I whisper as Mikey's eyes drift close. I kiss him on his head and walk towards the door.

"I wuv you, Weo" Mikey says sleepily before I hear soft snoring. I smile as I turn off the lights.

"I love you too, Mikey" I close the door slightly leaving about a foot of space so there is still light in the room. I sigh and walk to the living room. I sit down on the couch and grab the remote. I'm about to press the power on button when I hear loud chain saw like snoring next to me. I turn my head to see Raph sleeping half on and half off of the couch. I can't help but laugh. it's been a long day even though it is only 11:31 in the morning. I sigh and get up. Draping one arm over my shoulder I walk Raph to his room and lay him on his bed. I swiftly cover him up while turning of the lights. I am almost out the door when.

"Mikey" I turn around to see Raph still asleep. I smile and walk out the door closing it behind me.

Better check on Donnie. "Donnie?" I whisper into the lab. "April?" I open the door wider and walk in, looking around. I see the bell sitting on Donnie's desk but no Donnie. I walk out of the lab and to the kitchen. Again no Donnie. Where is he? I continue to walk through the lair searching for my lost brother when I see a piece of paper on the TV screen. That's strange. That wasn't there before. I grab the piece of paper and read out loud:


April and I went out to go get some toddler stuff for Mikey. we should be back in less than a hour or two.

~ Donnie

P.S. Don't let Mikey into the lab.

I sigh and place the paper in my belt pocket before going to Donnie's lab and locking it up. Knowing Mikey he will still find a way in. I chuckle. "April and Donnie are on a date"

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