Chapter 2

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Chaper 2

Raph's POV:

"LEO! DONNIE! COME HERE!" I scream. Leo and Donnie come in with a look of confusion and panic.

"What is it Raph?" Leo asks a little impatiently.

"Look" I say simply motioning to the bed. They walk over and look. I hear Donnie gasp.

"Mikey? Is that you?" Leo asks the small turtle. The turtle looks up at the sound of his name being called.

"Mikey what happen?" Donnie asks.

"Donnie you idiot, he looks about five" I say slapping Donnie upside the head. I then hear a small child like giggle before it turns back to a whimper. Mikey gets on his hands and knees and crawls towards us. I feel a little bit hurt when I see Mikey crawl to Leo instead of me. Leo stands up while holding Mikey. I stare at Mikey intently. He sees me staring and cowers away.

Is he afraid of me? My mind starts to run as we leave Mikey's room. I find myself soon enough in Donnie's lab and Mikey being hooked up to a machine. I can hear soft whimpers from Mikey's mouth. I guess fearless leader and Einstein can't hear him.

"Yo, Don, I think you are scaring him" I say taking a step forward.

"You are the reason he is like this Raph" Donnie says with annoyance.

"That has nothing to do with the fact you are scaring the crap out of Mikey" I growl taking the wires that Donnie put on, off of Mikey. Mikey cowers away from me at first making my heart squeeze painfully. I think Mikey knew it upset me, because he scoots towards me a few seconds later. I remember when we were little, whenever Mikey was scared he would come to me. Even though I thought he was a brat I guess I was a source of protection to him. Not surprising since I am the strongest on the team. Mikey flinched when I brought my arm up to put around him. It stung a bit. But as soon as my arm was around his shell he leaned into me bring his knees up to his chest. I look down at Mikey with a grin.

"One second Mikey is afraid of Raph, the next second he is not" I hear Donnie say.

"That's just Mikey" Leo commented "Hey, Don, when is Master Splinter supposed to be back?"

I look up from Mikey at Leo.

"I'm not sure but I hope soon" Donnie says with a nod.

I soon hear soft snores coming from below me. I look down to see Mikey cuddled against me with his right thumb in his mouth sleeping. He looks so peaceful which makes my mouth turn to a smile. A little drool dribbles from his mouth as he snuggles into my side. I pick his up and cradle him in my arms. I feel him nuzzle his nose into my chest as I stand up.

"I'm going to take him to bed" I state leaving the room. I stand in the hallway separating Mikey's room from mine.

Should I put Mikey in his room? I think staring at him door. Or where his door used to be. I look at my door then back at his. I shrug and walk to his room. After some stumbling over his messing room I finally make it to his bed. I lay the sleeping Mikey on his bed and use one of his three blankets to make a nest like shield around Mikey. I grab Mikey's duct tape teddy bear. I look down at it and remember what happen. Mikey convinced us to bring Leatherhead home for the first time and ripped it. Then played with Donnie's head. I chuckle slightly at the memory before laying the bear in Mikey's arms. I'm about to leave when I hear Mikey start to stir. I turn and see him staring at me with begging eyes.

"Hey, buddy" I say softly. Mikey reaches his left arm out to me. I stare at him then to his hand confused. Then it hit me.

Mikey doesn't want to me leave. A small smile creeps onto my face. I look around noticing Leo and Donnie are standing in the door with a smile plastered onto their face.

Tough guy activated my mind read and I snort.

"Don't you want Leo or Don?" I sneer at the small turtle. He shakes his head and begins to cry. "Okay! Okay! Stop crying I'll stay" I sigh in defeat as I sit down on his bed. Mikey stops crying and lays back down.

Leo's POV:

Tough guy Raph does have a soft side. I guess Mikey is the only one able to release it. I smile at Raph as I see him stroke Mikey's cheek affectionately.

Donnie's POV:

What turned Mikey into a toddler in the first place? I think silently to myself.

That bell! My mind blares with the realization. I notice the bell laying on the floor. I creep in and grab it before making my way out of Mikey's room and to my lab.

I hope I can find out how this happen and how to turn him back.

Raph's POV:

I notice Leo and Donnie leave and I'm alone with Mikey. Mikey leans into my hand that rubs his cheek. I see his grinning face as he sucks his thumb.

Oh Mikey...

"I'm sorry, Mikey. I do like you" I apologize quietly "I swear I will get you back to your old age" Mikey shifts a little in his sleep and hums. He yawns. I yawn. I gently scoot him over and place myself next to him. I lay a protective arm around him, bringing him closer into my chest. My eye lids are heavy.

"Good Night, Mikey" I whisper to my little bro before falling asleep.

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