Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Raph's POV:

Donnie came home around two hours later. I notice April is not with him. Mikey is watching El Tigre. I know when he watches this cartoon he zones out for a while, so I take the chance to get off of the couch and approach the brainiac of the family.

"Hey bro, how was your date?"

"W-what date?" Donnie sputters looking completely shocked by my question.

"Your date with April" I confirm.

"A-April? N-no no no no. T-there was n-no date!" Donnie is losing it making me laugh. "Who told you that?"

"Our wonderful, fearless leader told me" I sat pointing towards the dojo with an amusing smile plastered on my face.

"Leo!" Donnie shouts angrily towards the door.

"What?" Leo replies walking into the room.

"You told Raph I was on a date with April?!" Donnie yells at Leo who is, literally, on 10 feet away from him.

"I was just messing around, geez. You think I told you the world is going to end" Leo says looks unamused.

"All I said in the note was that I was out with April to get Mikey some baby stuff since I don't know when he will turn back to a 15 year old!"

"I'm sorry okay?! I was just having some fun! Loosen you knee pads dude!"

"Uh guys? Maybe you shouldn't argue when Mikey is in the room" I say, cutting off the argument between the two.

"Stay out of this, Raph?! You are the reason I'm in this mess!" Leo hisses, turning his attention from me back to Donnie.

"What?!" I blow up, glaring daggers towards him.

"You had to open your mouth to Donnie didn't you?!"

"You shouldn't have said it if you didn't want me to repeat it!"

we argue for good 20 minutes. None of us realized that that Mikey had heard us, turned off the TV, and was now watching us with tear filled eyes.

April's POV:

I walk into the lair to hear bickering from Leo, Donnie, and Raph. I sigh and shake my head as I place the newly bought toys, food, and diapers on the kitchen table. I walk into the living room where the brothers are fighting.

"You never listen to a word I say!" Leo shouts at Raph.

"Well you are a horrible leader that give horrible directions!" Raph shouts back.

"You only say that because sensei didn't chooses you to be the leader!"

"I would be a way better leader!"

"Are you kidding me?! Do you not remember what happen last time you were leader?! Mikey got really hurt!" Donnie butts in, yelling at Raph.

I hear a sniffle making me walk around the three arguing turtles to find Mikey, tears running down is freckled face. His baby blue eyes staring sadly and fearfully up at his older brothers. He clenches his duct tape teddy bear closely to his chest as the free falling tears drip onto the floor lie rain drops. I feel anger rise up into me. I stand next to Mikey as I flip around towards the three bigger turtles. "STOP!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The boys imminently stops arguing and looks at me with shocked expressions. I ignore them as I reach down and pick up Mikey, who is shaking and squeezing the bear so tightly to his chest I'm surprised the head hasn't popped off. "There, there, Mikey" I coo at the crying baby turtle. "Everything is going to be okay" Mikey hides his tear stained face into my chest. I glare up at Leo, Donnie, and Raph, who look guilty and upset. "You should be ashamed of yourselves" I scold them, holding Mikey closer to me. "You shouldn't have fought while Mikey was in the room, and now look what you did! You scared him" I stroke Mikey's head softly "You three are horrible big brothers" and with that I walked away into the kitchen. I grab the bag of stuff and head to my room.

Leo's POV:

I can't believe I did that. I should have known that it wasn't okay to fight when Mikey was in the room. What was I thinking? Oh I hope Mikey doesn't hate me. Maybe I am a bad brother.

Donnie's POV:

What have I done? Why did I just do that? I did start the argument. I can't believe I stared an argument over a stupid little thing like Leo saying I was on a date with April. I should have just laughed, and let it slide. Not start this mess. I hope April doesn't really think I'm a bad brother. Even though I kind of just proved I am.

Raph's POV:

This was not my fault. I told them to stop. I told them Mikey was in the room. But did they listen?! No! I guess I'm no better than they are. I did join into the argument. I should have just stayed out of it and taken Mikey into another room and played with him. But instead I let my anger get the best of me and I lashed out. Mikey is afraid of me again and probably hates me. I made Mikey cry. I never wanted to ever see Mikey shed a tear. I'm a horrible brother, just like what April said. The strange part is that when I saw April holding Mikey, I had the urge to just march over to April, Rip Mikey from her arms and throw her against the wall. Why am I so over protective of Mikey?

April's POV:

As soon as I get into my room I set Mikey on the ground. He sits there, sniffling. I drop the bags and get on my knees. I lift Mikey's chin so he is looking at me.

"It's okay, Mikey" I coo at him, wiping his tears away with my thumb. He sniffs and looks at me with big sad, confused baby blue eyes. I smile warmly down at him as I scoop him up and nuzzle his nose to mine, making him giggle. "See? No sad Mikey only happy" I say pulling away from a now smiling Mikey. Mikey's smile soon melted away.

"Waphie, Weo, and Nee fight" Mikey whimpers. "I scared"

"I know you were Mikey. It was your first time seeing them argue, but trust me they still love each other" I say, smiling at him.

"How you know, Auntie Apwil?" Mikey sniffles, rubbing his eyes cutely. "Because they are family. And no matter what happens family will always stick with each other till the end, no matter what. Meaning they will always love each other. There will be times where they say mean things to each other, and throw punches at one another but that doesn't mean they don't love each other. They will always love each other. That is a fact" I explain, rubbing Mikey's head, like I have seen Raph does. Mikey smiles a weak but powerful smile up at me.

"Otay! If you say so Auntie Apwil"

"I'm glad to see you smiling once more, Mikey"


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