Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Donnie's POV:

"So April, you had something you wanted to tell me, I mean us" I say laughing sheepishly.

"Oh, right. I came to tell you that the Purple Dragons are wreaking havoc." April says speed talking.

"We can't do anything right now. Its morning" Leo says crossing his arms over his chest.

"I could really go for some bashing of heads" Raph says with a slightly evil grin on his face.

"But we also got Mikey remember?" I say pointing to the little freckled turtle in Raph's arms. The smile on Raph's face melts away and forms a frown.

"Right" he mumbles glaring at Mikey.

Raph's POV:

Even as a little kid, Mikey is in the way. I know that's not nice to say but I have been cooped up in hear for about 3 days and I might go insane soon. But then again it isn't Mikey's fault he is a toddler. It's mine. I snap out of my though when I hear Mikey whimper and wiggle in my arms a bit. I see Mikey looking at me with sad baby blue eyes and trying to get free of my arms. I then realize I have been glaring at him.

"Oh no, no, no, Mikey I didn't mean to" I say trying to hug him. I accidently drop him while he squirms in my arms. Everyone in the room gasp as it seems like time slowed down as Mikey fell. Mikey lands on the floor with a loud thump followed by a cry. Tears pour down from Mikey's face as he sits up.

"Mikey are you okay?" Donnie asks walking quickly and picking up Mikey.

"I'm so sorry Mikey" I say trying to take Mikey from Donnie. Donnie moves his arms and Mikey away from me. I snarl at Donnie for separating me from my little bro.

"I think you have done enough" Donnie says simply and walks out of the dojo with April and Mikey.

What the shell?!

I hear Leo sigh. I turn and he is shaking his head at me.

"What?!" I growl clenching my fists together.

"Nothing" Leo then walks out of the dojo. So much for training.

Leo's POV:

I can't believe Raph dropped Mikey. I mean I know he was upset about not going up top but seriously, dropping Mikey was a big mistake. Especially since Mikey is 5 and not 15. I walk into the living room to see Mikey whimpering as Donnie gently presses a bag of ice to the back of his head.

"How are you Mikey?" I ask sitting down directly in front of him.

"Hurt" Mikey says in a soft shy voice. My eyes widen.

"Mikey you can talk!?" both Donnie and I gasp at the same time. Mikey nods and looks down.

"Waf hate me" he sobs lightly rubbing his eyes.

"Raph doesn't hate you Mikey" I say calmly lifting his chin so he looks at me.

"How you know?" he asks as a tear runs down his cheek. I quickly wipe it away and rub his cheek with my thumb.

"Cause I just do" I smile at him. He nods and plays with an Autobot, Blur, action figure quietly.

Raph's POV:

I'm standing in the door way of the dojo staring at Mikey.

So Mikey can talk. And he thinks I hate him? My mind races.

"Mikey. I don't hate you" I shout from the door way startling everyone in the room.

"Raph? How long have you been standing there?" Leo asks bluntly looking shocked.

"Long enough" I say walking to Mikey.

"You no hate me?" Mikey asks softly looking up at me with big glassy baby blue eyes.

"Even though you piss me off and are annoying at times, I don't nor will I ever hate you, Mikey" I say calmly patting his head. Mikey sniffs and nods his head slightly.

"Mikey you want to color? I just printed out some coloring pages." April chimes in trying to lighten the mood. Mikey's frown turn to a full grown grin in 2.5 seconds. He nods his head furiously and jumps up, clenching his doll tightly. I sit down on the floor next to Mikey and watch April smile as she reaches into her book bag and lays six black and white pictures with a set of 24 crayons on the table. Mikey immediately rushes to the table picks up the green crayon and begins to color in what looks like a giant cat.

"Mikey. Lions are not green" Donnie says looking over Mikey's shell.

"Donnie, let Mikey color his lion how he wants" April scolds lightly before looking at the picture "Beside green is a good color with a lion."

"Tank you, auntie Apewl" Mikey cheers flashing April a smile.

"Auntie April?" she looks surprised/confusingly at him. Mikey nod and continues drawing. After a minute Mikey puts down the green and picks up a blue. I see him position himself in front of the picture so no one can see it. Another minute goes by before Mikey stops and hides the picture behind his back.

"How did your lion turn out?" April asks with a nice smile. He smiles proudly before holding the picture out for everyone to see. I see a sloppily colored green lion with a thick blue line covering the eyes. "That's...interesting" April says her smile kind of crooked.

"It's Leo" Mikey says pronouncing Leo with extreme care.

"I'm a lion?" Leo questions taking a better look at the drawing. Mikey nods his head before handing the picture to Leo and sitting back down at the table. This time Mikey brings out an olive green crayon. After a while he puts it down and grabs a purple one.

Wonder what Donnie is? I think as I lean against the couch. Not more than a minute later, Mikey shows us a dog with a purple mask.

"I'm a dog?" Donnie asks taking the picture from Mikey and squinting at it. Soon enough Mikey shows us a green kitten with an orange mask. I notice Mikey used the black to draw three tiny circles in a pyramid form on each cheek.

"Is that you, Mikey" April ask nicely, giggling a bit. Mikey nods and hands her the picture before getting to work again. I see Mikey grab an emerald green crayon and a deep red crayon before I close my eyes. My eyes pop open when I hear laughing. I look up at everyone curiously. April is laughing so hard she is leaning on Donnie's arm for support, Donnie is laughing rather loudly as he covers his eyes with his hand and tilting his head back, and Leo is on the floor laughing his butt off.

"Did I miss something?" I call out standing up. Everyone stops laughing but starts snickering rather loudly. I look down at Mikey to see he has a confused but happy look on his face and holding a picture. "What do you got there, Mikey?" I ask pointing to his picture.

"Waf!" he shrieks happily before holding up his picture. I see a green bunny with a red mask eating an orange carrot.

He made me a bunny?!

"Why you little..." I growl. Mikey screams and throws his picture up in the air before running. "Get back here!" I holler after him as I run. I chase Mikey for about 10 minutes and still haven't caught him. I can still hear Leo, Donnie, and April laughing.

Mikey... when I find you, you are so dead!" I growl in my mind with a smirk.


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