Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Raph's POV:

I wake up silently. Which is weird. And strange. Especially in this family. I sit up and throw my feet over the edge of my bed. I didn't fall asleep in my bed. I yawn as I get out of bed and stretch. Leo must have put me to bed. I walk out of my room to see Leo watching that stupid Space Hero show. My eyes turn to the clock to read the time. 5:54. Whoa I slept for almost 5 hours.

"Afternoon Raph" Leo says making me look at him.

"Hey" I reply as I jump over the back seat of the couch and sit down next to Spike.

"How did you sleep?"

"Alright for a nap"

"Let me guess it was different since you weren't sleeping with Mikey" I feel my face heat up

How did he know?

"Just because I don't spend every minute with you and Mikey doesn't mean I don't know" He says as if he was reading my mind.


"Your face is easy to read" He says cutting my off and chuckling.

"Shut up!" I growl as I turn my heated face away from Leo who is full on laughing at me. "So where is Donnie?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"On a date with April"

"What?!" I shout louder than I wanted too in shock. Leo laughs

"I'm just kidding. He and April are going to go get some baby stuff for Mikey" Leo explains with a smirk on his face. I throw a pillow at him.

"What the shell?! Why would you say that?!" I yell at him, standing up.

"Cuz I thought it was funny that's why!" Leo shrugs turning back to his Space Hero.

"That is such a lame TV show" I blurt out, sitting back down onto the couch.

"No it's not" Leo says getting defensive.

I open my mouth to say something but stop when I hear "Waphie!" being shouted throughout the Lair.

"I'm gonna say Pipsqueak is up" I say, smirking.

"Really? I couldn't have guessed" Leo says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Watch it Leo you are starting to sound like me" I smirk at him.

"At least I don't frighten little kids" he shoots back rather quickly. I glare at him as I make my way to Mikey's room. As I open the door I can already Mikey awake and standing up with his hands on the brim of the bed and looking over it at me.

"Hey Squirt" I say as I flip the lights on. Mikey winces at the new bright light but quickly recovers and smiles at me.

"Waphie!" he says cheerfully, jumping up and down on his bed. I chuckle and walk over to him. Lifting him out of the bed I hear his stomach grumble.

"Hungry?" I ask raising an eye brow at him as I place him comfortably on my left him with my left arm around his shell, keeping him up. Mikey's cheek get a little pink as he nods. "Pizza?" Mikey's face lights up as a big grin spreads across his cute freckled face. I can't help but laugh as I carry Mikey out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Morning Mikey" Leo smiles at the small orange masked turtle in my arms

"Weo!" Mikey smiles brightly at Leo.

"How was your nap?"

"I dream of Pizza Land!" Mikey exclaims.

"Pizza Land?" I question raises an eye ridge down at him.

"Yes Waphie. Pizza Land! A Land full of pizza!" Mikey explains to me as if I never heard of Pizza Land before. Which I haven't but I'm not going to tell him that.

"Oh right Pizza Land. How silly of me to forget such a place" I say, smirking amusingly at him. I see Mikey begin looking around the kitchen looking very distraught. "What's wrong Mikey?" I ask, feeling concern.

"Where Nee?" Mikey asks innocently, looking up at me with confused baby blue eyes.

"Auntie April and Donnie went out to go buy you some stuff" Leo explains as he places a slice of pizza in the microwave.

"Auntie Apwil and Nee are getting me pwesents?" asks happily. His smile is almost bigger than his face.

"Uh yeah" Leo says, unsure on how to answer him. Soon there is a ding from the microwave, making Leo walk over and take the Pizza from the microwave and place it on a plate. I set Mikey down in his high chair as Leo places the plate in front of him. "Now Mikey it might be ho-"

"OWIE!" Mikey squeals loudly as he drops the Pizza back onto his plate and sticks out his tongue.

"Hot" Leo finishes sighing. Mikey's eyes begin to tear up as he whimpers.

"Mikey?" I question, reaching out to him. Tears begin to roll down Mikey's freckled cheeks. "Mikey" I say softly as I scoop Mikey up into my arms and rock him back and forth.

"The pizza hurt me" Mikey sobs, his lip quivering.

"Hey Mikey. Wanna go watch cartoons" I ask hoping to lighten his mode. There is one thing I hate more than a mad Mikey and that is a sad Mikey. Mikey sniffled as he nodded his head. He looks up at me with glassy eyes. I remember something that Master Splinter used to do to Mikey whenever he was or about to cry. It always made Mikey stop crying. I lean down and lightly kiss both of Mikey's eye lids. Mikey immediately stop crying and looked up at me. A small smile began to spread across his lips as he nuzzled into my chest. I smile warmly down at him. Realization hits me hard in the back of the head. My head flips towards Leo so fast I almost thought I broke it. I see Leo smiling at me making my face heat up. Leo begins to walk towards me. I suddenly get the feeling to protect Mikey. I don't understand why. My grip on Mikey tightens a bit. Leo realizes this and smiles wider. As he passes me he places a hand on my shoulder.

"You are a good brother" with that he took his leave out of the kitchen into the dojo. I feel my body relax. That was strange. I became over protective of Mikey. All because Leo was coming towards me. I blink at the door before looking down at the smiling freckled face turtle in my arms. I exhale.

"I wuv you, Waphie" Mikey says suddenly, throwing me off. My eyes widen. I'm used to Mikey telling me he loved me but this one confused me. Where did it come from? I stare into Mikey's baby blue eyes with confusion. My lips form a smile on my face.

"I love you too, Mikey" with that I walk into the living room and turn on Cartoons for Mikey and me to watch, together.


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