Chapter 13: Wednesday Afternoon

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About an hour later the press is all over the school interviewing people and the police are blocking them from entering the building.

"Somebody get the press out of here!" McArthur yells.

"No, don't!" Demer runs up to the news reporters

McArthur throws his arms up in the air, "God damn it Demer!"

Demer as usual is having himself interviewed by the news reporters, "So Detective Demer, what has happened here?"

"Two teens were murdered in the boiler room, and I think Brian Carter has something to do with this."

"Wait, isn't Brian Carter in police custody, how could of he killed these teens?"

"Simple, he probably had his buddy 'Asmodeus' do it for him, he claims that this guy named Asmodeus killed the boys yesterday on the track field, also a little girl Monday morning reported her mother was murdered by this so called Asmodeus guy, well I think that is Brian Carter's nickname if you ask me, he has dark messy hair and dark eyes, just like the little girl said."

Sara sees Demer talk wrong about her brother so she pushes herself through the crowd and runs up to the news reporters and pushes Demer away from the news reporters, "NO! This man is out of his mind; my brother would NEVER kill anyone!"

Demer nudges Sara to the side, "Listen young lady, I do the talking, I'm sorry, but your brother there is a killer, he does have some anger issues I hear."

"No, you're wrong, Asmodeus is the killer not my brother!"

Frank walks up to the news reporters before Demer says another word, "Yes, she's right, I know it's hard to believe, but Asmodeus is the Demon of Lust and he will kill all the lustful people, and when he kills enough people he will be able to leave this town and awaken the other five demons and when they kill enough people they will all combine into Lucifer and destroy the world."

"But isn't that just another legend, like the legend of the New Jersey Devil?" asks one of the news reporters.

Demer pushes Frank away from the news reporters, "Yes, it is just a legend, this man is crazy, what I would recommend to everyone is to lock up at night and never go out alone until this killer is brought to justice."

Frank speaks up again, "You can run, but you can't hide from Asmodeus, best bet is for everyone to evacuate the least the lustful people anyway."

Demer rolls his eyes, "Yeah ok let's tell all the sex addicts to get out of Brick, then when they do, the summer will come and no bennies will vacation here, because a demon might eat them if they have sex!" He becomes serious and turns back to Frank, "Hey how about you leave Brick and leave me up to this case, and I don't need anymore fictional facts on these murders!"

Frank shakes his head, "Forget it, we are all doomed." He walks away.

Demer yells as Frank walks away, "Yeah! Go away you crazy old man!"

Savannah and Heather are standing by watching Demer make an idiot out of himself on camera.

"Isn't it a shame that these innocent teens are dying?" Matt starts to rub Heather's back.

Heather turns around and slaps Matt across the face, "Don't touch me pervert!"

Matt rubs where Heather slapped him, then he grabs her and strokes her cheek, "Awe what's wrong baby? Why don't you like me anymore?"

Savannah pulls Matt off Heather, "She never liked you, now go away and find a girl your own age."

"If she never liked me, then why did she sleep with me?" Matt crossed his arms.

Savannah tilted her head, "What!?" she then looked at Heather who was blushing, "Heather tell me he's lying!"

"It was like 3 years ago, he said he buy beer for my friends and me."

Matt pushed Savannah out of his way, "Yeah and I have some beer in my car in case you want to get wasted later on to get your mind off these deaths."

McArthur comes out of the school and sees Matt harassing the teenage girls so he decides to step in, "Hey buddy if you don't leave, I'm going to arrest you!"

Matt puts his arms up, "Hey come on man they're 18 now!"

"I don't care leave now!" McArthur goes and pulls out his handcuffs.

Matt rolls his eyes, "Fine, I can still get girls on Facebook." He then walks to his car and says under his breath, "Stupid pigs are always ruining everything." He glares at McArthur as he drives away and laughs, "At least I got my revenge on him."

"I'm sorry about him girls, I think you should go home and if he harasses you again just call the cops on him."

Heather and Savannah nod their heads and leave.

Mcarthur then walks back to investigating the scene more, "This Matt guy needs to get a life and stop harassing young girls."

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