Last Words

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It was so hard for me to finish this story. 

I had grown attached to my own characters, and putting them through mayhem and heartache, so naturally giving them a happy ending was hard. 

This is my first completed work, with all my others simply being abandoned. It's such a great feeling though and I truly hope that I make you all feel happy and fluffy with my story in turn. This definitely motivates me to finish my other stories. Stay tuned for them. 

I hope you truly enjoy this story. If you did, feel free to leave a comment. If you hate it, leave a comment too! :)

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This was my ideas page, so you can enjoy my rambles from here on out, if you would like to look:

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King Draegon - doesn't age since he is a dragon that can live for thousands of years. He loves Zofia from a young age, but he starts to realize that he is in love with her after she turns eighteen. He wants to take her as his bride, but naturally she is confused and she kicks against it a lot. She does not know what love is since she's only ever kissed Niklaus. She argues with him and it leads to many plot points.

Zofia - 

Niklaus - Zofia has a best friend that she rather closely grows up with, a boy. Zofia thinks that she wil one day marry him. He is madly in love with her too. 

Bella - a girl that sometimes hung around with Nico and Zofia. She likes Nico and is jealous over Zofia. 

Draegon's father - Mephis. His mother was Malia

Lavina - an evil witch. She seeks to destroy the royal line. She creates a lot of obstacles for Zofia in the hopes of the king destroying himself. She realizes that she is not strong enough to challenge him head on so she tries to challenge him as an invisible opponent. She uses Bella a lot for her gains, and occasionally appears in the picture. She attempts to kill Zofia when she realizes how attached she and the king have become, but her efforts are thwarted by Draegon saving Zofia before it's too late.

Garison the guard - 

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The guards going from their normal silver armor to the black that Mephis' men wears is symbolic to the way in which the witch is winning over the minds of the people and managing to trick them into war.

The moon is often representing Zofia. 

A lot of foreshadowing:

Zofia's pregnancy foreshadowed by her giving him the doll as well as her embroidering the baby blanket later. 

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If I could change anything:

More Nik; 

More conflict between Nik and Draegon

More tender moments between Nik and Zofia

More Serena;

More heartbreaking teases between Serena and Draegon

Another bad moment between Serena and Zofia

More playful banter, more conflict and more teasing and romance between Zofia and Draegon. 

More of the relationship between Lilly and Zofia. 

A little more on the relationship between Lilly and Garison.

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