Chapter 25 : A Happily Ever After

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The winter had passed, the air was filled with crisp new air. The castle was buzzing with people who were all there for the wedding. Since it was Lilly who was getting married, Zofia had made sure that she would get only the best. Marco was the dressmaker, of course. The groom, Garison of course. 

Zofia groaned and tossed another dress on the bed. If only the bride was there to help her get dressed. Zofia couldn't ruin her best friend's day with her drama. She stomped her foot and finally the door opened, someone who was there to help her. 

"Nothing fits me." Zofia complained at Draegon. He grinned at her as he moved over, his hands coming to rest on her shoulders. 

"Well of course nothing will fit, how do you expect for you and the baby to fit into that?" He questioned Zofia. His hands wandered downwards, to her stomach. He felt her bump and grinned even wider at her. He had been so happy that Zofia couldn't bear be anything but happy too. She wove her arms around his shoulders and leaned up to kiss him. 

"I'll try something else." She agreed finally. Zofia rifled through her closet a little more before she pulled something out. She slipped it on and pushed her hair back. 

"Perfect." He agreed, taking her hand. "Come on, we cannot be late for Lilly and Garison's wedding." He chuckled. It had been something that the two had admittedly been giggling over. Lilly and Garison were madly in love, but Garison would ignore her while he was on the job and it would drive Lilly to madness. They had both gotten explicit permission to be happy and to interact even when Garison was on the job, which led to Zofia needing to hear much less complaints form her wolf friend. 

Zofia was reminded of her own wedding day, how she was too scared and too preoccupied to actually stop and look at anything. She was living vicariously though Lilly as she looked at everything. Lilly had asked Draegon to walk her down the isle, having explained to him that he was more or less her brother now so he had little choice in the matter. Lilly looked stunning, too - she had baby's breath in her hair and a white dress that made her look like a true princess. The ceremony passed quickly, then they were all dancing. Draegon had Zofia in his arms, his hand roaming her belly selfishly as they stared into one another's eyes. 

"I might not know what my other lives were like, but this must be the best one by far." Zofia whispered to him. Draegon frowned. 

"Even with everything that happened?" He questioned. 

"Indeed." Zofia admitted. "It could have all been so much worse, but it wasn't. I get to have you and we get to have our happily ever after. Our enemies have fallen and there is no threat to us, nothing keeping us from being happy." She clarified. The two smiled at each other. 

"I still think you smell amazing." Draegon growled softly. 

"You do?" Zofia took her turn in questioning him 

"I do." He admitted, pulling her in closer. He kissed her till he couldn't hold his breath any longer, then he danced with her till his feet hurt. 

They lived for what felt like forever, they lived a long happy life. And when they passed, they passed together - only to meet again in the next life. 

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