Chapter 23 : The Shuffle

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Draegon refused to let Zofia out of his sight, so she joined him as he washed himself. She watched him in the water before she decided that she wanted to bath as well. She climbed over the edge of the tub, dress and all, and got into Draegon's lap. He pulled her in close as she flashed her intoxicating smile at him. They kissed as his hands pried the wet dress off her body. She giggled at him and pressed her breasts to his chest. She was covered by the water and found that amusing. Draegon leaned in, pressing deeper kisses to his Zofia's lips. She ground her hips against his, letting him know what she wanted. He wanted her too, it had been too long since he had even heard her voice. Draeon was hard under his bride, his impressive length begging for entry. Zofia reached between them, grabbing on to him before she guided him into her. She gasped as he nibbled her neck, groaning against her delicate skin. 

Zofia was walking up and down the hallways, her hand on the wall, as she waited for Draegon and Mephis to return inside. Draegon was treating her like a sick and fragile queen, refusing to let her leave the castle. They walked in. She quickly paused and smiled at Mephis. 

"Zofia." He breathed her name as he grabbed her. He hugged her and held her close for a moment. "How happy I am that you are alright." He let her go. 

"Thank you, lord Mephis. Dinner is ready." She said politely. Draegon took her hand and they walked into the dining hall. Juniper had made all of Zofia's favorites, truly preparing a feast to celebrate. 

After dinner, Zofia was wrapped up in blankets by the fireplace in the study. She brushed her fingers over the scales on her arm. Draegon looked down at her thoughtfully. 

"Nik said my blood did that." He pointed out rather proudly. Zofia smiled at him. He was sweet and caring, and she hoped everyone saw that in him one day. 

"It's impressive, isn't it? Like I've got a little bit of dragon in me now." She chuckled back at him. Mephis strode into the study, licking the jam off his fingers from the scone he had stolen off the tray that Juniper was carrying in. She was truly baking up a storm after Zofia woke up again. Lilly had been helping her apparently. Zofia was rather jealous. She would have wanted to help too. Zofia was about to move over and help herself to Juniper's glorious tea, but juniper put some on the table right beside her. She thanked her with a smile. Draegon took a seat beside Zofia as Mephis sat opposite them. Garison stood off to the side. 

"Please, Garison, sit." Zofia said to him as she pointed to the empty seat. He hesitated for a second before he sat down. He gave a nod to Zofia. 

"Alright. Tell us your plan?" Mephis blinked at Zofia. She looked at Draegon and bit her lip. 

"Draegon, do you remember when I was 'sleeping' you told me about the castle that the Davenport guards are protecting?" Zofia asked him. He nodded at her. 

"The slaughtered cattle, and the ones that had gone missing, whatever is in there is responsible." Mephis pointed out. Zoifa hadn't known that bit of information, but it made sense how it was all connected. 

"You heard that?" Draegon asked with his brows raised.   

Zofia nodded. "It fueled my dreams. I had an idea after you told me that. What if we do what Nik did when I left?" Zofia lost them. She stared at empty faces. Garison was first to nod. 

"A distraction." He said in answer. 

"Exactly. Make them look right, then we go left. A simple shuffle." Zofia said eagerly. 

"How will we do that?" Draegon asked her. 

"Well, we have two dragons, and we have two sets of armor for dragons. If we cannot distract them well enough, we can burn them to smithereens." Zofia pointed out. She had thought that it was obvious enough. Mephis and Draegon looked at one another. 

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