Chapter 17 : The Impending

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Zofia had a terrible dream. The castle was on fire and everyone she loved was inside, burning. Strange guards were filling their kingdom with fear - their eyes rolled back in their heads, making them look blind. They pillaged and plundered till there was nothing left of the dragons and their royal family. 

Zofia shot upright and grabbed at her throat as she tried desperately to catch her breath. Draegon moved beside her and tugged her into his arms. Her bare skin pressed to his, then she realized that she was crying. 

"Draegon. We're in danger. We are all in danger." She told him, burying her face in his chest. He kissed her hair and rubbed her bare back. 

"Let's just take it easy." he hushed her as he pulled her back down to the pillows. Zofia wiped her eyes and nodded at him. He closed his eyes and very nearly fell asleep again. She lay awake staring at him. "What's the matter?" He asked her as he touched her hair. 

"I had a bad dream." She explained. He nodded at her. 

"Is it a... a witch thing?" He wanted to know. Zofia shook her head. 

"I'm not a witch." She told him, but she dropped her head in fear of him not believing her. 

"Really?" He asked. She nodded and gave him a smile. Perhaps he believed her. "Alright. What are you then?" He wanted to know. Zofia shifted, ready to tell him a story. 

"The gypsies told me a story." She started. "A long, long time ago, when there were more dragons, there were elementals too. These people were close with the dragons, befriended them and bred with them. Elementals were in control of the four, having close relationships with them. They could not only control them, but conjure them too. The dragons that were born from the companionship did not only breathe fire, but they were in full control of all the elements. Fearing the power these elemetals held, the witches started to hunt them down. a few went into hiding, but their story ends there." Zofia ran her nails over his chest. He pushed some of her long hair behind her ear and gave her a smile. 

"Perhaps not." He said as he pulled her closer. He kissed her nose and rubbed her back. Zofia smiled widely at him. She could not get any happier than she was in that moment. 

"I'm not feeling great about the attacks. I have a feeling that something bigger is going to come. We need to prepare the soldiers and the people." She told him, turning more serious again. "My dream, it was about soldiers with white eyes." She added, trying to explain to him. 

"If you think so, perhaps then we need to take action." He turned serious too, running his fingers through his hair as worry started to settle in. 

"What should we do?" She asked him. "We might have enemies here, we need to be strategic, careful." She answered her own question, but she still looked to him for answers. 

"Let's have a ball." He offered. Zofia frowned at that, unsure of how a ball would help their people. 

"Are you talking in your sleep?" She asked in a whisper.

"I think it's a brilliant idea. My father might be an asshole, but he always said that your enemies are most upset when things seem to be going better with you than what they intend." He explained to her. 

"I see. So, when we look happy and like we are indifferent to the attacks, then those within our walls who are trying to cause our downfall will act out?" He nodded at her. "If it doesn't work?" She asked him, taking the hand that had been toying with her hair. 

"Then we have a wonderful ball." He offered, smiling. Draegon pulled her closer, hoping to comfort her enough to chase away the bad dreams. "I want to dance with you. We have only danced once, at our wedding. I never told you how I like to dance." He spoke to her hair. Zofia smiled, loving how he was lulling her to sleep with the perfect idea. 

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