Chapter 19 : Beneath the Castle

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Zofia was sore when she awoke in the cold bed, without her mate by her side. More than anything, more than her anger and her confusion, she hoped that he understood why she felt the way she did. She felt her bruised thighs and tried to imagine that they were close, that she and her mate were not separated by his need for other women. It bothered her deeply and it had her skin feel like it was crawling. He knew how he made her feel and the thought of him making another woman feel that way disgusted her, while making her feel deeply jealous at the same time. It bothered her so much that she couldn't sleep any longer. She moved, getting up. Zofia felt uneasy and sick, her stomach twisting at the images her imagination was providing. Garison waited for her at the door. It was like he never slept, never moved unless she moved. She reached out of the door and touched his arm. He barely flinched at her sneaky action. He was probably trained to have houses fall around him and not blink an eye. 

"Garison?" She questioned him. 

"Queen Zofia." He said her name in return, looking at her with his piercing eyes. If there was one thing she liked about the new uniforms, it was that she could see the guards' faces. She would rather see the faces of the people she surrounded herself with. It made her feel more comfortable, as if though she could gauge their honesty.

"Please, let the king and Juniper know that I am not feeling well. I will be staying in today. I do not wish to make anyone ill." Zofia requested. Garison nodded. She supposed that he wouldn't tell them directly. He wouldn't dare leave her side. "And, I would like some warm tea and perhaps something small to eat, please?" She added a request. 

Garison gave a kind smile. 

"Indeed, your grace. Go rest and I will see that your requests are seen to." He nodded. Zofia said a quick thanks before she retreated and closed the door behind her. She waited in bed for a moment, then Juniper came in with a tray. Zofia raised the blankets up to cover her mouth and nose. 

"Thank you, Juniper." Zofia said to her kindly. 

"Alright dear." She said as she pressed her hand to the young queen's forehead. Zofia leaned into her touch. "Oh my!" She jerked her hand back and blew on it as if she had burned. She looked at the queen with confusion. "You are burning up, dearie. Drink your tea and have a rest. I will check on you once the king returns from the council." She bowed before she hurried off. Zofia did not feel as bad as Juniper seemed to think she did. What made her stomach twist even more was the idea of the king attending council. It was a long shot to think he might go alone. That rat would probably have gone with him, if she was given half a chance. Zofia sipped at her tea and ate the rusks that Juniper had brought her. She had thought that it was the perfect time to actually explore the castle. She had tried before but she had lost interest. Zofia got out of bed, dressed herself and combed her hair. She felt more herself, but she still felt like her stomach was twisted in a terrible knot. She was exceptionally tired, too. Zofia slipped out of her bedroom and brushed her hands over her dress. She stood beside Garison. 

"Is the king back yet?" She asked him quietly. 

"No, your grace." Garison answered. 

"Good. I will be exploring the castle. You are welcome to join me, Garison." Zofia said to him. She was eager to find something hidden, like a hidden door or a room unlike any other. Zofia first climbed up to the highest tower in the castle, leaving out of the window to feel the cold air whipping against her skin. She turned back to Garison behind her and considered him for a moment. 

"Now that we have reached the highest part, I want to see the lowest part." She said to him. 

"I'm sure there is a basement." Garison admitted reluctatly as he shifted. 

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