Chapter 16 : The Hook

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Zofia had never seen Juniper cry as much as she had in that moment. She didn't want to let go of her. Even Garison found her for a hug. Zofia was happy to be back home, even if she had to leave her new friends behind for it. She clung to Draegon as much as he allowed her, even sitting pressed against him as they all met in the tea room. He refused to let her go, to have her move from him. This had been what she wanted, what she was waiting for. Love and acceptance - just a hug and someone to care about her. Someone who didn't want her to go. 

"Tell us what happened?" Juniper insisted. No one else wanted to ask the question, but they were all willing to listen to the answer. 

"I ran away." Zofia called the fact out rather shamelessly. 

"Yes, yes. But where were you dear?" Juniper shuffled in her seat, asking for more. She raised her brows and nodded her head. It was as if she was telling her that it was alright to divulge.

"I met gypsies." She finally confessed. "I was horribly lost and Steve refused to listen to me, so when I felt like I was starving I let him do as he pleased and he took me to them." She explained. "It was so wonderful. I made many friends, who taught me how to dance like they do, to do my hair like they do, even to sew rag dolls like them." She grinned at Draegon, who was looking down at her like she would disappear from right under his nose again. Zofia took his hand shamelessly and looked to her audience in the room. "After hearing about Faye, my father killing her, I needed some comfort. When I didn't get that I just needed time alone and being here, I didn't feel like I could have that here with the accusations." Zofia paused, not wanting to elaborate on how she was allegedly the witch queen. She reached for the tea again. Sipping at it with her eyes closed. It was glorious. The gypsies had tea that they made themselves. Zofia had handed a pot over to Juniper with strict instructions only to serve it to her and Draegon at night. That was what the gypsies had said. Zofia wouldn't want to disobey them and have it turn out to be some kind of special tea that put everyone in the castle to sleep. 

"Why did you come home?" Draegon asked. Zofia looked up at him. She quickly put her teacup down. "I gave you more than enough reason not to." He sounded shameful, like he regretted his treatment of her. Zofia moved closer, shamelessly sticking her fingers into his long beard. 

"Because, my love. I missed you so much that I wanted to die every day I spent without you." She spoke sincerely, those deep blue eyes of his just managing to break her heart all over again. Lilly had told her to love him more openly, to express what she could, whenever she could. She had a theory that it would make him less cruel. It felt like it was working. Zofia leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "How has the kingdom been fairing?" Zofia asked in a hurry, turning her eyes on Garison, who shifted uncomfortably. Zofia felt shy and it all felt unnatural. She thought she was showing too much affection, that maybe she needed to tone it down. She had decided to see what Draegon wanted, to read how he reacted to it and to go from there.

"There have been some attacks on our keeps bordering Caledon." Garison said. Mephis shot him a warning glance, only to get one from Draegon. 

"We suspect Davenport, but we have a treaty with them which makes the attacks completely unexpected." Draegon added. 

"Hmm." Zofia hummed, nodding. "I trust you made a decision that is best for Caledon." She said, instead of discussing military action. She wanted the night to be about her and Draegon, her first night back. 

"Have you managed to rest, Zofia?" Mephis asked. Zofia sank back into the couch and picked her tea up again. 

"Yes. It was the most rest I have gotten all my life. I told them that they are welcome here whenever they please." Zofia told the room. 

"You did what now?" Mephis asked. Dex cleared his throat. 

"I told my new friends that they are welcome to park their convoy in the capitol if they are passing through." She clarified, raising her brow at Mephis. As the queen, she could do as she pleased - or so she believed. 

"I barely think that squatters shou-" Mephis started, but Draegon cleared his throat. 

"Father. As the queen, I am sure that Zofia would not make a decision if it was going to be bad for the kingdom." Draegon backed her up. Zofia looked at him and took his hand, giving him a smile. He smiled back at her and she felt like her insides were melting. 

"Clear the room." Draegon said. Everyone got up and hurried out. Juniper hugged her again and Garison gave a respectful bow. Zofia waited till the door was closed before she moved over to the fireplace. She gazed at the flames as Draegon watched her from where he sat. He stayed there for a moment before he finally got up and moved over to her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her middle, hugging her possessively. 

"I really thought I had chased you away for good." He apologized into her hair. 

"I'm back now." She assured him as she turned in his arms. He leaned in and kissed her like he had never kissed her before. His kisses were soft but they still had that urgency to them. She loved the way that his lips burned against hers. 

"You smell so good." Draegon admitted as he took her by the back of her head, pulling her in to kiss her harder. 

"I have something for you." Zofia said as she put a pause on the kissing. She stuck her hand into her cloak's pocket and pulled the rag doll of his likeness out. She handed it over and smiled at him. 

"It's me?" He asked. She nodded. Draegon looked at it for another moment longer, unable to fully comprehend why she was giving him a gift like this, something that children would play with. "What is it for?" He finally asked her. He looked down at her stomach and frowned. "Are you..." He started, reaching out to put his hand over her stomach. Zofia stammered at the way he interpreted the gift. She couldn't interpret his emotions. Was that something he had wanted or not?

"I was making them with the gypsies, and I just wanted you to have a piece of me that you missed out on for so long." She explained as she swatted his hand away playfully. "I'm sorry, I should have thought before I gave you a children's toy as a gift." She apologized. He understood, giving her a nod to prove that he was on the same page. 

"I wanted to come look for you." He said with urgency, needing her to understand as much. 

"I know, but the castle needs a royal. You were needed here." She stuck her fingers into his hair and gave him a kind smile. She was truly trying to assure him that she wouldn't leave again. "I understand my duties now." She promised, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing as hard as she could. No matter how his affection had caught her off guard, Zofia liked it. It was nice and comforting and it had her feeling like she was the only thing in the world he had eyes for. She wanted to ask him about Serena, Lilly having nearly smacked her and insisted that she ask him instead of speculating. She was just so worried that she would no longer feel like the only thing in the world to him. If she bit on to the hook, would he throw her back in the water and tell her she's wrong?

"Would you share a bed with me?" He questioned. "From tonight, and every night after that?" He raised his brows at her and squeezed her back. 

"From tonight and every night after that." She agreed, nodding at him. "Come on, dragon king." Zofia teased him. "Give your bride a proper welcome home?" She turned her head and smiled at him. He grinned and managed a chuckle before he lift her up off her feet, into his arms. 

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