Chapter 15 : Gone With the Gypsies

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Lilly put Zofia up in a tent, telling everyone that she had a new friend. She was Zofia's age, if not a little bit older. She told her that they were gypsies. Zofia felt like she was living in one of her books. This was her time, her great chance at an adventure. She couldn't have asked for anyone better than the gypsies. If Steve had led her to a group of bandits then she would have been dead already. Zofia was stuck in her tent for nearly another full day after arriving, being sick as a dog. She just had some kind of a cold from waiting out in the pouring rain for Draegon that one night.The gypsies had given her something to drink that had her right back on her feet. 

Zofia finally emerged from the tent and joined the parties and the late night talking. Lilly loved her, braiding her hair every morning. She felt like she had a whole new family in the nomads. Zofia wanted to stay there, and she would have, if it weren't for the deep longing she felt inside of her soul. She had been dragging that feeling with her, the feeling of being filled with rocks and being dragged around on the ocean floor. When she thought of Draegon, the feeling became lighter and she felt like there was hope for her to get her head above water. But she was still under the water. She knew she would stay under as long as she stayed away from him. He was infuriating, he clearly didn't trust her, or possibly even love her, but there was just something she missed so deeply about him. 

Maybe Juniper was right, maybe Zofia did love him.  She couldn't, right? There was nothing between them. No touch or look or even a memorable conversation. He distanced himself every chance he got and even then he was dismissive. She thought that maybe the feeling was a kind of depression, or even a calling to kill him. She had read of something like that in her books. She couldn't deny that she's ever wanted to hurt him. She wanted to shake him till he thought straight, till he did something. Anything. Zofia had longed for even something as simple as a hug. She ached to be loved, unconditionally and irrevocably. 

Time started to pass, but not time enough. Zofia had estimated that she had been away from home for less than a moon's cycle. With the gypsies, she watched the skies. Zofia was learning a lot from them and about them. Their culture and their customs were much different than what she was used to. The dancing was especially her favorite. They sang and picked flowers, then thanked the earth for them. When they took wood and branches, they touched the trees and let them know that their sacrifice was not for nothing. She felt that she belonged there, all while knowing that it was not her home.

"Lilly?" Zofia started as Lilly sat with her fingers in her hair. 

"Yes, sunshine?" Lilly responded. She stuffed flowers into her hair and regarded her masterpiece. Zofia struggled with what she wanted to bring up. 

"If I'm not a witch, then what am I?" She wanted to know. They had already assured her that she certainly was no witch. What was it then? Something worse? She fiddled with the piece of hair that framed her face. 

"I don't know, I'm sensing you're more of a sassy young queen." Lilly teased, the both of them bursting out in laughter. 

"Queen of what?" Zofia laughed. "I've unofficially renounced my title and I now reside in the woods." She said it as if it was a fact. 

"If you are the queen then I am... Your queen sister!" Lilly decided. She laughed again. 

"I'm serious Lill." Zofia threw a flower at her, which was promptly swatted away. 

"Alright, alright. You need to speak to our elders for that. They will know exactly what to tell you." She insisted. 

"Can we go later?" Zofia wanted to know. 

"We should go right now!" Lilly insisted as she took Zofia by her shoulders and steered her through the crowds. Zofia grabbed her hand and they spun a little between the children before They stopped at a caravan. Three elderly ladies sat inside and stared out at the two. 

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