Chapter 5 : If It Is Writen In The Stars

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Another day closer. 

Zofia sipped at the warm tea, cupped in her hands as if it was the only warmth she might get. Her eyes lowered to her eggs with disgust. She was being served like a true queen, seated at the head of the grand table with Draegon on the other end. She was even dressed more lavishly, in a dress similar to that grey one she adored. This one was completely off the shoulder, baring so much of her skin. It was pitch black, too. Apparently Draegon wanted it on her for the day. She put her tea down and abruptly scooted out of her seat. Juniper ran to help her as she scooped her plate up. "I've got it." She dismissed the fidgeting maid before she marched over to Draegon with her food and drink. She did not want to sit ten chairs away from someone she was having breakfast with. It was unnatural, inhuman. She put her plate down next to Draegon's. Garison's armor clanked over and pulled the heavy chair out for her. Zofia scooped her dress up before she sat down. The previous day consisted of her hiding in her room. She pretended to be sick, but Juniper didn't seem to buy in to the lie. On this day, Draegon insisted she eat with him. She was barely doing so - while he was most definitely eating, stuffing the mountain in his plate into his mouth. Apparently he wasn't bothered to make comment on her move. He finished his plate just as she attempted to dig into hers. Juniper had reminded her to eat like a lady, so she was. It consisted of cutting small pieces and eating slowly, fork turned the right way, not clinking the silverware.  

Draegon sat back in his chair and watched her. She chewed before she looked over at his invasive staring. Zofia sat back, tea in hands. He unnerved her. All she wanted to do was to return the favor. It took a lot for her to make eye contact, and to keep it. 

"What?" Draegon asked first, wiping at the corners of his mouth. He had nearly thought that she caught him with food on his face. Zofia shook her head gently. 

"You were staring. I thought I would stare back." She told him innocently. 

"You look nice."He dismissed, not wanting to linger on the fact that he was, in fact, staring. 

"It's the dress you picked out." She complimented in return, even though she did not like it too much on herself. She was way too shy to show as much of her shoulders. Even if it was covering everything else up perfectly. It was too close to exposing her breasts. She felt amazing in the soft, woven material. She simply didn't have the confidence to wear it. 

"My father will be arriving today." He announced out of the blue. Zofia nearly spat her tea out. That was why she had to dress pretty? It was simply not the kind of announcement that one just rambled off to start the day with. These things needed to be planned, prepared for. If she had known sooner, she would have made arrangements, like fresh bedding or something. Zofia turned to tell Juniper, but she had a knowing look on her features. How could the help know, and she didn't? Her cheeks blazed red before she realized that she had no idea the king had a father. 

"You have a father?" She questioned. He looked at her, giving her a warning glare. "My lord." She added respectfully. Zofia regretted the politeness and respectful behavior she had towards him. To hell with all this. He steals her and she's supposed to be nice. She was embarrassed enough as it was, with him dropping this news on her on the last minute, and he couldn't even be nice to her? "I did not know. It would have been nice to have been told." She added in a harsher tone. Draegon was quiet. He was chewing again. Zofia wondered where he had gotten more food from. Only when she tried to cut another piece of her egg to chew on did she realize that he had stolen it from her plate. 

The entourage had arrived. The guards were dressed in black, much sleeker than Draegon's bulky tin men. Three men sat on black horses while a carriage was pulled behind them, four more black horses to do the job. Zofia silently wondered to herself if her royal in-law was a fat enough man to need four horses. 

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