Chapter 7 : The Royal Wedding

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The whole kingdom was bustling before Zofia even woke up. She had her head buried in her pillows when Juniper came to draw the curtains. Zofia sat up and was careful to not rub her eyes. Marco forbade her to touch her face at all. He had come by the day before to make sure that her dress fit, what he had finished thus far. She was not even excited for her dress. It felt too surreal. It would be her birthday the following day, but that was already ruined thanks to her life being such a fucking mess the past week. Zofia wanted to tie one end of a rope to her four poster bed and the other end around her neck. Loneliness had never felt this bad before. It broke her and dragged her to hell and back. She was sure that it wouldn't let her go till she was long dead. She hadn't spoken much, except to thank the ladies who served her.She had done her share of crying when the castle was sleeping, when her bad dreams would wake her. It seemed as if no one noticed, as if her existence would be this way forever. Juniper handed her a hot cup of tea and left her. 

"It's horrible, painful." Livina admitted as she put the hot curlers into Zofia's hair. She was trying hard to scald her scalp, but Zofia didn't feel the heat. She hadn't even asked about sex, Livina had brought it up all on her own. "It gets better after a while. Then I guess you just tolerate it." She seemed to be talking from experience. She was so glad when Marco waltzed in, so Lavina could shut up and move to the corner where she belonged. 

"Oh my god, today is the day. I can barely believe that a week had gone by so fast." Marco complained as he hung the dress up. Zofia looked at the carefully hand stitched cover that was hiding the dress from her. Serena sauntered in after Marco, a big, beautiful smile on her lips. Zofia bit her own lip at the sight. How could she be dressed so beautifully, look so perfectly. It seemed as if it was her wedding they would all be attending. Zofia hoped that marco did her justice, or else she would feel like she would always be second in the looks department to Serena. Serena who had been taken on long walks by Draegon. Serena who stayed up and laughed with him over tea and cakes after Zofia had gone to bed. Queen or not, she at least had to stand out against the mistresses that would be vying for the king's attention. Serena had all his attention since the moment she had arrived. Today, she thought, would be no different. 

Zofia was soon in the dress, Marco fussing around her as she worried down at the very, very low plunge in the front. She reached for the material, trying to cover more of herself. 

"Don't you dare." Marco scolded. She was glad that they were alone now, she didn't want to share this moment with Livina or Serena at all. 

"I like it." She admitted, even though it was dangerously close to showing more than her cleavage. Her breasts fit into the dress perfectly, and Marco kept fussing over how it was his best work yet. It was a good dress to die in. No, perhaps she would take it off and request they bury her in it. It was the most beautiful and expensive thing she's ever had. She wanted to cry at the realization, that a dress was more precious to her than anything else. Zofia smoothed the dress over her hips, jumping as there was a sudden pounding on the closed door. 

"Zofia?" Draegon questioned through the door. 

She widened her eyes and shook her head at Marco. He quickly sauntered her over to the door. She refused to move at first, but realized that the dress might wrinkle if she fussed too much. 

"Yes, Draegon?" She responded when she reached the door. If he was to be her husband then there was no way she was going to call him 'your highness' all the time. Besides, how was she to respect a man that didn't respect her.  

"I will see you outside." He stated. She had almost thought he had walked off, but he was still there. She could feel his heat radiating through the door. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought that he was nervous. Probably about what Serena might think. She moved as if she was sobbing, biting back the sound and the tears. 

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