Chapter 9 : The Witch and the Dragon

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Zofia was thankful that the dress she had to put back on over her wet skin didn't stay on for long. Her hair was semi dry by the time they had gotten back to Draegon's ashen room, with him pulling it off her. She had little time to obey or protest with the way his lips were not leaving hers for a second. She was pinned to his bed in the next moment, his wet pants pressing to her thighs as he kissed the bruises he had left on her. Zofia tangled her hand into his hair and gently tugged on the strands. Draegon tugged his pants off and pressed closer to Zofia. She moaned to his mouth at the feeling of his skin on hers. He was warm and she loved it, even though she knew he was burning holes in the sheets and likely clawing her all over again. 

This time, Zofia lay awake as Draegon stared at the ceiling. He attempted to be gentle this time around. The pleasure was tenfold. She reached over and touched his hair. He looked over at her and moved so he was facing her fully. It seemed to her like they were just about to engage in conversation, finally, when there was a knock at his door. Mephis did not give them a single moment before he pushed the door open and walked inside. 

"Father, give us a moment alone." Draegon told him, still light hearted from the fun they had. Zofia grabbed a giant tufted pillow and covered herself with it. She scooted back, with Draegon luckily moving in between her and his father to shield her from his view. 

"I apologize for ruining the queen's birthday in such a manner, but we do need to talk." Mephis said coldly. His eyes found Zofia but Draegon moved to shield her some more. 

"Can't it wait? I will get you in the study if you give me some time." Draegon was back to being upset. Zofia buried her face in the pillow, the mood and her modesty both completely ruined. The carelessness for her dress code was a reminder that she was just an accessory. 

"No. It can't wait, and I do not need to talk to you, Draegon. I need to talk to both of you." He insisted, standing there as if nothing was amiss, as if Zofia wasn't completely naked and cowering behind a pillow. She raised her head and looked between the king and his father. 

"Very well." The king boomed, upset. "Juniper, prepare some tea!" he called out of the room. Juniper's slippers scuffed as she hurried to obey him. 

"Well?" Draegon asked, his brows raised at his father. Mephis cleared his throat before his eyes nervously darted around. He backed out of the bedroom, understanding that the queen needed to dress before he could speak to her. 

"Hurry, it is quite the urgent matter." Mephis insisted. Zofia looked over at Draegon as he moved off the side of the bed. She discarded the pillow and moved over She tried to salvage the moment by wrapping her arms around him from behind. He patted a hand that clung to his shoulder before he shook her off and got up. 

"Get dressed." he instructed her. She slipped back into her black floral dress. It was dry, thankfully. The only clothing of hers that she had in his bedroom, another reminder of the boundaries she was supposed to keep. 

Zofia was certain that the matter did not pertain to her, so she sat calmly on the arm rest of Draegon's chair and sipped her tea. He was right beside her, with Mephis sitting on the other side of the desk and Serena beside him. The room was otherwise empty. Draegon had to clear his throat to coax Mephis into talking. His eyes were roaming all over Zofia, which she did not notice - but the king did. Serena sat with a scowl on her face, looking like she had the most bitter taste in her mouth.

"Zofia." Mephis started. She jolted, nearly spilling her tea all over herself. She looked at him with her green eyes, concern pulsing through her. It felt like he was about to tell her that someone she loved dearly had died. "What color is blood supposed to be?" He asked her. She looked at Draegon for an answer. "Don't look at him. Look at me." He insisted. She obeyed. Zofia was tired of obeying and listening and being nice, even as she complied.

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