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You lay back on your sofa, a small frown on your lips. Tonight (for the first time in years) your favourite band were performing in your home town, but tickets had sold out before you'd had a chance to buy them!

"What's the matter, babe?" Your boyfriend, Q, asked you as he entered the room.
You sighed, "I'm pretty sure you know, Q! It's been forever since (Fave Band) last toured and I'm gonna miss it..."

You glanced up at him and saw that he had a huge grin on his face.

"What are you so happy about?" You asked him. Despite your sadness, you couldn't help but to faintly smile at his adorable grin.
"Oh, nothing..." He replied, but the tone of his voice implied the opposite, "Just that I may or may not have a little surprise for you!"
"What is it?"
He smirked.
"Come onnn, Q! Tell me what it is!" You pleaded, "Or at least give me a clue!"
He chuckled, "Fine, close your eyes and hold out your hand."
You did as he told you, and felt him place a piece of paper in your hand.
"Okay, now open your eyes..."
Again, you did as he told you and almost screamed with excitement when you saw what the paper was...

Two tickets to see (Y/F/B)!

You placed them on the sofa and threw your arms around Q, tightly embracing him.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" You squealed excitedly at him.
He held you close and replied, "You're welcome, (Y/N)!"

The two of you hugged for a few seconds more before you gave him a quick peck on the lips and rushed to your bedroom to get ready. You decided to wear a t-shirt with (Y/F/B) on, along with some jeans and your favourite shoes.

A short while later, both of you were ready so you made your way to the concert venue (constantly double-checking that the tickets were still in your handbag).

Once you were in there, you hugged him and thanked him yet again as the supporting band finished their act.


After the concert was over, you and Q gave each other a tired smile as you headed to his car.
"So, did you enjoy that?" He asked.
"Yeah, they were amazing!" You replied, smiling joyfully, "Did you?"
Q nodded, "Yeah, I did!" He yawned, "But I can't wait to get to bed, it was really fun but man, am I tired!"
You giggled quietly at his response, but yawned too and nodded in agreement.

On the drive home, you still couldn't stop smiling softly as the  night's music continued to ring in your ears. The two of you sat peacefully as Q drove, the only audible sounds being the quiet car radio and a few other cars driving past.

As soon as you both got back to your apartment you threw on your pyjamas, snuggled up together in bed and quickly fell into a peaceful, loving sleep.

Q - T - PIE (A Series Of Fluffy Brian Quinn One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now