"Show Me Your Love"

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(The fic is pretty much entirely based around this song so it's ideal that you listen to it before/while reading it!)

You and Q sat together in his car, peacefully listening to the quiet radio and the rain pattering against the windows. You were both on the way to your friend Joe's house for a small get-together with him, Murr and Sal and you were excited to hang out with them all as you had been close friends for several years.

A sigh escaped your lips as you rested your hand on your cheek. You had actually promised to the others that tonight would be the night that you finally confessed your true feelings about Q to him, but any time you went to speak you couldn't quite get those words out...

Although you hadn't really been paying much attention to the songs that had been playing on the radio, you smiled when you heard the next song start. It was Collar Full by Panic! At The Disco, a song that you hadn't listened to in a while but still enjoyed.

"You know, (Y/N) this song- it- kinda makes me think of you whenever I hear it..." Q suddenly spoke up.

"It does?" You asked, turning to face him. You bit your lip, feeling yourself starting to blush slightly, "It actually makes me think of you too..."

As the song carried on and Q parked the car, the two of you stared into each other's eyes. You simply looked at each other for a moment, saying everything that needed to be said without a single word. The song's chorus began and you both slowly started leaning towards each other, closing your eyes as you softly shared your first kiss. It only lasted for a few seconds, but everything about it seemed absolutely perfect.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," Q whispered, and you nodded in agreement. Neither of you could stop smiling as you sat peacefully for a moment, listening to the song and to the rain still hitting the car.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

You blushed again, "I love you too."

"I can't believe we've both felt this way for so long but we never said anything..."

"Any time I thought I was finally going to come out and say it, I got too nervous..." You mumbled, "But now- now we both know and we can finally stop being nervous and start being in love!"

Q grinned at your enthusiasm, "Yeah!"

All of a sudden, you heard Joe yelling to you from his front door, "Hey! Are you two lovebirds actually gonna come in or just keep making out in the car?"

You and Q laughed at his sudden appearance, quickly getting out of the car and rushing over into his house. You entered his living room and were instantly greeted by the other guys smiling at you like they knew exactly what had just been confessed.

"So, did you two finally tell each other?" Sal asked, putting a sassy emphasis on the 'finally.'

You and Q nodded, jokingly rolling your eyes at Sal's sass.

"It's about damn time!" Joe cheered from behind you.

Murr nodded in agreement, "Yeah, all you two ever do is talk about each other! Who confessed first?"

Q raised his hand, causing Sal to cheer. You wondered why for a moment, until you saw Murr hand him $10!

"Were you seriously betting on who would say it first?" You asked, not really surprised by this at all.

The other guys simply shrugged their shouldees, and you all laughed. The five of you spent the rest of the evening talking and generally just having a fun time.

After a few hours it was time for everyone to leave so you all said your goodbyes and knew that you'd all be hanging out again in the near future.

You got back into Q's car and smiled peacefully. As he drove the two of you listened to the radio again and even sang along to a few of the songs that played, feeling happier than you'd ever felt before.

Eventually he pulled up in front of your house. The two of you exchanged a loving smile as you leant in for another kiss, this one lasting slightly longer than your first kiss and feeling just as amazing.

You both said your goodbyes and as you entered your house you smiled to yourself, your heart feeling full of love and joy.

Q - T - PIE (A Series Of Fluffy Brian Quinn One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now