The Ferris Wheel

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 "Well, this is fun..." You thought sarcastically to yourself as you walked around the fair, alone. You had originally gone with a friend, but she'd started talking to a guy and they kind of just walked off together, so now you were left by yourself wondering what the hell to do.

You glanced up at the ferris wheel and decided you may as well go on it. It was a cool evening in early autumn, so you thought it would be nice to get a view of the setting sun over the city from high above the fair.

After queing for a few minutes, it was finally your turn to get in the cart...

"Sorry, it has to be two people to a cart," The ferris wheel's operator told you.

You sighed heavily, "Alright, whatever."

"Um, do you wanna share a cart with me?" A voice suddenly piped up from behind you as you went to shamefully walk away.

You spun around to see a brown-eyed man smiling softly at you, his long hair blowing gently in the breeze. You swore that you recognised him from somewhere, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.

You tried to figure out where you knew him from for a moment, but (after realising that you had been staring awkwardly at him as he waited for your answer) you nodded your head, slightly taken aback by his kind gesture.

He grinned happily at your answer before sitting in the cart, looking expectantly at you. You sat next to him in the cart but, due to the cart's small size, you may as well have been sitting on his lap with how close you were squeezed together!

It did feel slightly weird to you to be sitting so close to a stranger, but he seemed kind enough and it wouldn't be for very long anyway so you weren't complaining.

"Uh, thanks!" You said as the cart began its steady ascent.

"It's no problem, I didn't realise it was two people per cart either so I guess this worked out nice enough for us!" He chuckled, and you instantly smiled at how cute his laugh was, "I'm Brian, by the way, but most people just call me Q!"

"I'm (Y/N)," You replied, glancing at him again, "Uh, I hope you don't mind me asking but are you an actor or something? I feel like I recognise you from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it..."

He chuckled again, "Well I'm not an actor but I am on a show called Impractical Jokers!"

"Oh!" You gasped, "I've only seen a few episodes but my friend is obsessed with that show! You and your friends are hilarious, I really need to watch more episodes." You blushed slightly.

The two of you chatted a little more about the show before the cart reached the top of the wheel and you finally got to see the gorgeous view you'd been waiting for. The cool autumn breeze nipped at your cheeks, but you were more focused on the setting sun over the city and the feelings you were quickly beginning to develop to really care about the cold temperature.

Suddenly, the cart jolted and you yelped slightly at this unexpected motion.

"You alright?" Q asked you as he turned his head to look at you.

"Yeah, that just made me jump a bit..." You replied, smiling awkwardly, "Wait a second... Have- have we stopped moving?" You questioned, glancing around.

"I think so?" Q answered, and the two of you exchanged a slightly confused look.

A few more minutes passed without any movement, and you shuddered again at the icy wind.

"Well, this was... unexpected..." Q mumbled, breaking the awkward silence.

You nodded, "Yeah..." But a part of you was strangely happy about this, as it would give you more time to get to know him and see if you really liked him, "But at least we can look at the sunset for longer!" You smiled, trying to sound more optimistic about the situation.

"It is a beautiful view," He agreed, "And I guess it'll also give us more time to talk and stuff..." He murmured with a shy smile.

You tried to subtly shuffle closer to him, but you were already so close that it was the complete opposite of subtle and he gave you a confused smile, "Are you trying to get even closer to me, (Y/N)?"

You felt your cheeks go completely red, "N-no... I was just trying to get more comfortable!" You lied, avoiding eye contact.

He laughed, "Okay, I believe you! And I suppose your cheeks are just red because it's cold up here?"

"Ye-yeah!" You responded as you looked up into his eyes. However, as soon as you made eye contact you began laughing with him, "Fine, you caught me! But it is really damn cold!"

"Maybe when we get down from here we could go and grab a hot chocolate together somewhere?" He spoke, "I mean, it'll be a good way to warm ourselves back up and- and we can talk even more! If you want to, that is."

You were slightly taken aback by his sudden offer, but you happily answered with an enthusiastic, "I'd love to!"

Luckily you were only stuck at the top of the wheel for another ten minutes, all of which you spent talking cheerfully to one another. As soon as you got to the bottom, you texted the friend you'd originally arrived with about the fact that you were leaving with Q and the two of you walked out of the fair together, instantly entering the nearest Starbucks.

The two of you spent even longer in there together, constantly finding new things you had in common and growing closer by the minute. Normally you wouldn't be so quick to believe you were falling for somebody, but something about Q made your heart flutter in a way that it never had before.

Although the way you'd met was unconventional (to say the least) it had worked out perfectly and you knew that this would be the start of something wonderful.

Author's Note:

This was based on a prompt from a list I found on Tumblr! (I'll put a link to it as it has a lot of other cute prompts ^^)

(I know I already wrote a one-shot about meeting Q on a blind date, but most of these one-shots won't be connected at all so shhh)

Q - T - PIE (A Series Of Fluffy Brian Quinn One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now