In sickness and in health

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Request from @/supersecretqblog  on Tumblr!

You could hardly stand up as you walked into work, the cold you had diminishing almost all of your energy. Although you were far too ill to be there, you were still determined to not allow it to get in the way of your job.

Not even an hour after you'd came in, you knew that you wouldn't be able to stay there for much longer. Your voice was nothing more than a croak and every part of you just needed to relax. You were about to ask your boss if you could leave early, but you didn't even need to because she gave you a sympathetic nod and told you to go get some rest.

You felt slightly foolish as you walked back home; you'd been reassuring your boyfriend all night that you'd be perfectly fine to go into work (even though your cold was making you feel dead) and now you were coming back home after not even doing anything. Luckily he was shooting a challenge though, so you planned on just telling him (when he would later get home) that you'd finished only a short while before you were meant to...

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Q's voice came from the living room as you walked through the front door. You gasped in surprise before sighing, knowing that he'd known all along that you wouldn't be able to stay at work.

Walking through the door to the living room, you rolled your eyes and sniffled when you saw the smug grin on his face.

"So, did you finish work just a little bit early?" He asked. You couldn't even answer his question due to your sore throat and the fact that your voice had practically vanished. The only response you had was to stare at the ground, your cheeks flushing red.

He chuckled, his smug grin turning into a more caring smile, "Go get your pyjamas on, I'll make you some soup." He said, walking over and hugging you softly.

You feebly tried to push him away because you didn't want him to catch the cold too, but he hugged you anyway. A smile formed on your face as he hugged you; no matter what mood you were in or how ill you felt, Q's hugs always managed to cheer you up more than anything.

Only ten minutes later you were wrapped up in your comfortable pyjamas and a blanket, snuggled next to Q on the sofa with a cup of your favourite soup. The two of you decided to watch a few episodes of your favourite TV show and relax.

"I knew you'd be home from work early, (Y/N). I only told you I was shooting today because I knew you'd try and tell me later that you stayed there for longer than this!" He chuckled, smirking at you again.

"You're such a- a-" You managed to squeak before falling into a short coughing fit. Your cheeks flushed red too, adding to your sense of embarrassment.

He snickered again for a second before asking if you were okay and handing you a bottle of water. After you'd taken a sip and put the bottle back on the table Q murmured, "You know, as much as I hope you'll get well soon it is adorable how you can't talk and you keep blushing..."

Yet again, your cheeks flushed scarlet and you rolled your eyes with a sigh. But even though your illness was making you feel tired and grouchy, you couldn't help but to crack a smile at his comment.

The two of you sat close together on the sofa and, even though you didn't want to get too close to Q and risk him catching your cold, you couldn't resist snuggling even closer to him and resting your sleepy head against him.

A short while later you fell asleep, using Q as a pillow. Because he loved you more than anything (well, except for maybe his cats) he subtly pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around you as you rested.

You weren't sure how long you'd slept for or when exactly you'd even fallen asleep, but when you opened your eyes you realised that Q had pulled you closer to him and was cradling you in his arms. He was now fast asleep, and you had a strong urge to squeal over how cute he was! As you were even more comfortable than you'd been before, you cuddled up to him more and closed your eyes again, sleepily smiling to yourself.

Q - T - PIE (A Series Of Fluffy Brian Quinn One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now