T A G G E D ! (Not A One-Shot)

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I got tagged by my main hoe CuppaMilkTea!

(I'm just doing it in this book because eh, why not? ^^)

Here Are The Questions:

1) When is your birthday?

2) What is your favourite colour?

3) What is your favourite song at the moment?

4) Do you have a crush?

5) Would you rather be:
A - Blind or B - The only person able to see ghosts that haunt and scare you

6) What is your secret you haven't told anyone?

7) Would you rather marry:
A - Trump or B - Hitler

8) Who is your celebrity crush?

9) Would you rather:
A - Be allergic to everything or B - Have an incurable cancer and die within a year

10) What is your best body feature and what would you change?

And Here Are My Answers:

1) 5th July 2000! I'm the youngest out of my group of friends at school! ^^'

2) (I read that in the voice of that guy from Monty Python ffs)
I don't have a specific favourite colour tbh but I do really like cold colours!

3) I've kinda been addicted to 8-bit music at the moment but I also can't stop listening to Kids by MGMT! (Mainly because I love the bizarre misic video!)

(So fucking creepy... BUT AWESOME!)

4) On anyone I know in real life? Fuck to the no. On anyone famous? T O O  M A N Y

5) I guess it'd be pretty awesome to se ghosts, even if they are haunting me! Maybe I could talk to them and get them to haunt other people... MUAHAHAHAHAHAA-

6) Well, this is a pretty big secret (and you better not tell anyone) but...

I have a huge crush on Q from Impractical Jokers... 

7) I'll begrudgingly marry Trump so I can gain his trust and put poison in his food... (Well, I can't marry Hitler to kill him! He already did that!)

8) I have WAY too many to name but I'm p r e t t y sure you can already guess who at least one of them is...

9) (what kind of fucked up question...)

Uh, I guess the cancer? Fuck...

10) Um, I kinda like my hair, the shape of my body is alright I guess and I sorta like my skinny-ass wrists (I know that's weirdly specific but eh, I do like my wrists and I guess my hands are okay enough ^^) but I'm in the process of having my teeth + jaw changed (I've got braces yo!) and I'd change everything else a bit too...


  Um... I tag any Impractical Jokers fan! ^^

Thanks for the tag, @CuppaMilkTea  <3 

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