Outside The Party

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It was a Friday night and you were currently stuck at a house party that a couple of your friends had convinced you to go to. You hadn't been there for very long but you were already feeling slightly fed up with how uncomfortably messy, hot and loud the party was getting. Some of the songs that came on were decent, but (along with the bustling chatter of the party-goers) everything was getting a bit too overwhelming.

You quickly pushed and shuffled past several people to get to the back door, needing to step outside for a minute and get some fresh air. Although it was still a bit too noisy, you instantly felt better as the cold breeze brushed across your skin. The sky was somewhat cloudy but you could still see the vivid full moon and a few twinkling stars.

The sound of the back door clicking open caused you to sharply turn your head, and you smiled faintly at the stranger who came out and stood beside you. His long brown hair was swaying gently in the soft wind and although the dim lighting made it hard to see fully, he seemed to have a look of concern on his face.

"Hey, uh, are you alright? I saw you rush out here and it seemed like you were in a hurry to get out..." He asked, slightly stumbling over his own words.

You nodded, "I'm fine, thanks, it was just getting a bit uncomfortable in there and I needed some fresh air."

"Ah, I see," He replied, smiling softly at you, "I was starting to feel the same way to be honest, there are WAY too many people in that damn house!"

"I know, right? My friends kinda just dragged me here and I honestly wish I'd just stayed at home!" You chuckled awkwardly at the end of your sentence.

"Same here. But this, well, talking to you is starting to make it bearable at least." He smiled, making you blush slightly.

You smiled back, "Thanks for coming out to see if I was okay." You replied, blushing a tad more, "My name's (Y/N) by the way, what's yours?"

"I'm Brian but you can just call me Q if you like, (Y/N)," He smiled again.

The two of you stood out there for what felt like ages just talking, the background noise of the party giving the cold garden a strangely comforting atmosphere. What had started off as a pretty shitty night had turned into something a lot more perfect and as you began to get to know each other more all you wanted to do was stay together for as long as possible.

Suddenly the back door was opened again, "Q why the hell have you been out here for so-" A tall, skinny man began talking before he noticed you, "Oh, I see what's going on out here..." He smirked, "I'll leave you pair to it!"

"Shut up Murray, we've just been talking you dirty ferret!" Q laughed as the other man ducked back inside and closed the door.

"Dirty ferret?" You laughed at that strange but amusing nickname.

Q nodded, "Didn't you see him? He looks like a ferret!"

You laughed again, gazing into his sparkling brown eyes. The music from the party seemed to soften as you got lost in his eyes for that moment until you realised that you were kind of awkwardly staring at him. You quickly looked to the ground, blushing again.

"You- uh- You have really pretty eyes." Q mumbled, smiling.

"Th-thanks, so do you!" You replied, flustered by his sudden compliment.

After spending a bit more time outside together (with the conversation becoming slightly more flirtatious) the two of you headed back inside. Due to how much time had passed, the music was significantly quieter and many people had left.

On the way out, Q said some quick goodbyes to the three friends he'd arrived with (and you waved goodbye to the friends you'd arrived with) and the two of you left the party together. You exchanged phone numbers and you planned to see each other again as soon as possible, but neither of you wanted to part ways just yet.

You wanted to strike up another conversation, but a few subtle raindrops interrupted your thoughts. As it began to rain, you both exchanged one more hug before parting ways for the night, knowing that you'd be seeing each other again very soon.

Q - T - PIE (A Series Of Fluffy Brian Quinn One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now