Chapter 28

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Damon's POV

"Elena! You have to talk to Freya! You have been throwing up blood since the curse!" I yell at Elena.

"STOP YELLING AT ME! S-sorry, it's, its probably just side effects from the curse Damon."

I roll my eyes and say, "Well until your ready to admit that something is happening with you don't bother coming to me." I start to walk away when my phone starts to ring and I pick it up. It's Freya.

F-Damon you need to get to the mansion now.
D-Why exactly?
F-Its about Elena. Bring her with you.

I hang up the phone and tell Elena what Freya said and we leave. Does she know whats wrong with her?

20 minutes later

We walk into the building quickly as we don't know what to expect.

"Guys sit." Freya says as soon as we walk in.

"Ok ok chill blondy." I say sitting down next to Elena on the couch.

"I don't really know how to tell you guys this, but Damon...listen closely. Bonnie and I were just babysitting Hope and we heard chanting.  We looked out the window and there were travelers.  They had some very interesting news to tell us. They were asking for you two. but they told us since you weren't there. I don't know how to say this but, how many heartbeats do you hear?"

I'm confused but I listen anyway. I concentrate. I hear 1, 2, 3 heartbeats. Three?

"I hear three. Is Bonnie still here? I hear yours, Elena's and one more." I say.

"Damon nobody else is home. Bonnie just left." Freya says.

"That's not possible, that means that..."

Freya gives me an its exactly what it sounds like look.

This isn't possible. This isn't possible. This isn't possible. I look at Elena my eyes wide. And hers slowly understanding.

"Damon, Elena you are pregnant."  Freya finishes.

I look back at Elena.

"The travelers put a spell on you that allowed Elena to get pregnant. They took the spell off when you became with child. They said they are blessing you with this. They want something in return. When the baby is born, they want some of its blood, a few drops at the most. If you don't give them the blood, they will kill the baby inside of you. You guys have until tomorrow night at twelve at night to make your decision. Meet them at that time at Bourbon lot, the bar with your answer. I'll leave you to talk. " Freya says walking out f the room.

Like a gunshot this news hits me instantly. A baby? A tiny little living thing inside of her. The woman I love. Me, a dad? A guy who has killed thousands, if not millions of people in his lifetime. Me, a selfish guy holding a child, an innocent child in my dangerous arms. The worse part is, I might actually want this.

I look at Elena with my troubled eyes only to meet her own. She looks at me with a tear rolling down her beautiful face. I can't read her. I can't tell what she is feeling. She takes my hand into her small ones and looks down at them for a while. And when she looks up there is a smile on her face.

"Damon, I want this." She says with little excitement in her voice. That is all she needed to say. I smile and crash my lips against hers. 

Happiness washes over me. Fear does as well. But mostly happiness. I can be happy. We can be happy. We can be happy together. This is all I ever wanted. A family. And now I know I can finally have one. This one person. This one girl is everything to me. She is my world. She is my happiness. And without her I would be nothing but darkness. She saw the beauty in my darkness when I knew there was none. She brought out the good in me. She made me feel something I've never felt before. Loved. She made me feel loved. And all I can do is return the favor to her and our child.

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