Chapter 29

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Elena's POV

It's been one week since Damon and I found out I was pregnant. We went to the travelers the night after and made the deal. Usually I wouldn't take any risks like that, but we really want this. We need this.

Elijah And Freya left for Georgia as he knows someone down there that may be able to help with the Haley situation. I miss her. We didn't talk all the time but she helped me with my first full moon and much more. I really wish she was here to give me advice on this baby thing. And for my brothers sake. Elijah really hasn't been the same. I even saw him out of a suit once before he left.

Damon and I haven't told anyone about the baby yet. We are planning to wait a while. I'm nervous about a doctor because we can't go to a regular one. We don't know the risk of exposing ourselves.

Damon is really happy about this baby. He keeps bringing it up. And there hasn't been a day I haven't thought about it. I never thought that I had a chance to be a mother after I turned. I lost all hope of that after I killed myself.

I feel that the day of my death still bothers Damon. I mean of course it would, but one night he woke up covered in sweat and he yelled my name. He said it was a bad dream and told me not to worry about it. He hasn't yelled again but sometimes he still wakes up sweating.

I'm sitting on the couch in my brothers house as Damon and I just stayed the night here. Damon will be leaving soon to go help Stefan with something.  We've been up all morning just watching movies. He got in the shower about 5 minutes ago.

When we met the travelers they said I was no longer than 3 weeks pregnant so I don't have a belly bump yet. I have experienced morning sickness though. That is not fun. I haven't really had cravings at all. I don't even know if I will. What would I crave different kinds of blood?

Suddenly my stomach starts to churn and I can feel the blood reaching to top of my throat. I stand up quickly and rush to the bathroom pushing the door open passing Damon in a towel, and going to the toilet. The warm  blood rushes out of my mouth.

"Lena, you alright?" Damon asks concerningly holding my hair back.

Once I finish I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet. I walk to the sink and lean over it closing my eyes. Damon comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck.

"Maybe I should tell Stefan that I can help him tomorrow." Damon says resting his head on my shoulder.

"No Damon its morning sickness it's normal." I explain.

"You sure?" He asks. I nod my head, kiss his cheek and walk out the bathroom.

When Damon comes out of the bathroom he is all dressed and ready to leave.

"Well I'm ready to head out." He says when he walks down the steps putting on his leather jacket. I stand up so that I can kiss him goodbye. He walks over and puts his hands on my lower waist and kisses me. He keeps his hands where they are and he places his lips on my stomach and kisses it. When he pulls back he smiles and stands straight up again.

"I love you. Be safe." He says kissing me again.

"I love you too. I will." I say. And with that he is out the door.

Elijah's POV

Freya and I are in the car as I drive down to Georgia. Right now we are just now leaving Maine. We stopped for gas once and now we're just going to keep driving until we run out. Niklaus wanted to come on this trip but he needed to stay home with Hope.

"What did you say this girls name was again?" Freya asks.

"Bree. She owns a bar. Haley and her knew each other and were really great friends. For the spell to bring Haley back we need her deepest secret. If anyone will know it it will be Bree." I explain. Freya nods and we continue driving.

Damon POV

"What can I do you for little brother?" I ask as I walk into the Salvatore boarding house. He comes out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Hey. Your here that's good. I need your help with two things. First of all I need you to help me fix my car. You know I'm the best at it but this time it's pretty bad. And second of all your much better with girls than I am so I need your help with her." He explains.

"And let me guess, Carolines is the one that screwed up your car?" I ask smirking a bit.

"Yup." He says casually. I nod my head and we go outside to fix his car.

Elena's POV

I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner for Caroline and I while she rants to me about Stefan.

"So you got in a fight. So what, you guys will work it out." I explain pouring the spaghetti in the strainer.

"I don't know about that..." She says quietly. What could she have done that is that bad?

"Why? What happened?" I ask.

"I really messed up his car." She says shamefully. Oh my god. It's worse that I thought.

" do not mess with a Salvatore's car." I say.

"I know, I know. I was so mad it just happened. Let's just stop talking about it and have dinner.

So we eat and we talk, and just have a good time. I'm glad we got to hang out today because I've missed her.

Caroline leaves and I'm home by myself again. Which is nice because I could use some peace and quiet.

"Little sister!" Klaus yells walking into the kitchen.

"Yes Klaus?" So much for peace and quiet.

"I was going to talk to you about something." He says.

"Which is?" I ask. Ok Klaus spit it out already.

"Well the mansion our family owns here in mystic falls isn't our actual home. Our real home is in New Orleans. We have a beautiful, huge house there. If we all moved there we would all be together. You, Damon, Alaric, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, and even Matt could come." He explains.

Wow that was a lot to take in. That would be great, but we've all grown up here in Mystic Falls. It's our home. It wouldn't be that easy to leave it behind.

"I, I don't know I'll have to talk to the others. Is it safe there? Because Hope and...Yeah Hope would have to be safe." I say.

He nods his head and says, "We can make it safe. Talk you them and come to me with your answer." He says. I nod as he walks away.

I finish cleaning the dishes and grab a blanket from my room, lay on the couch, and drift off to sleep.

Well hello there my fellow readers. How is your life going? Did you enjoy this Chapter? What do you think about Elena being pregnant? Leave your answers in the comments, and be sure to vote if you enjoyed this chapter!! Byeeesss

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