Chapter 1:WHAT!!!

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Me:I have read many Danny phantom fanfic so I decided to take a chance and write my own.

Danny: *turns tangible *Hey why is there another story of me on a field trip?

Me: AAHHH DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!! Because I felt like Writing my own so shut up you haven't even read it yet so stop criticizing my story so early.-glares at Danny-

Danny: Fine ill shut up. Hey do you have any snacks I'm hungry I haven't ate in a week *stomach growls*

Me: ~ Brings in a tray of Turkey with smashed potato,rice and salad~ here you go Danny now be nice and quiet ~smiles~ Well what are you guys still doing here go on read  ~Sits next to Danny ~

It was a normal day at Casper high for a young halfa and his friends. The end of the day was nearing and not a single ghost to be seen throughout the day it could've kept like that until skulker came crushing in blasting ecto blasts at Danny just as he got out of school shouting

"You will never rule over me whelp!"

"What are you talking about Skulker I'm not superior in any way besides beating you everyday " said Danny smiling not realizing that there are others watching him and skulker.

The students around Fenton looked at the ghost and back to Fenton. "What is he thinking" thought Dash " he is not as strong as I am he's going to get himself killed."

Just as that skulker lunged at Danny trying to punch him in the chest hard enough to knock him out.

But Sam and Tucker took out their wrist rays and fired at the ghost sending him flying into the school wall that gave Danny enough time to pull out a Fenton thermos and suck skulker in.

Finally realizing how he acted and seeing so many students around he decided to grab Sam and Tucker's hands and started running as fast as he could. When they were a good distance away they stopped.

"What are we gonna do now they'll probably want answers tomorrow."

"Maybe or maybe not remember what Mr. Lancer said special guests will be coming in to tell us about our field trip we just need to get to class before anyone sees us tomorrow it should be easy." Tucker told his friends. "Maybe your right Tuck lets just hope those idiots forget about today and remember about the field trip."

              ~Time skip to next day ~

The trio walked as fast as possible to school so they can go into class early before any of their classmates start asking questions about yesterday. Once they got close to school the box ghost decided to interrupt them "BEWARE for I am the box ghost and you shall perish with my box of doom hahahahah." "Oh brother why him Danny can you get him please we don't have time for this." Said Sam annoyed by the sudden appearence of the box ghost.

                  ~5 minutes later ~

Surprisingly they made it to Lancers class with enough time to spare. One by one the students came inside the classroom once the final bell rang class started and Mr. Lancer told the students to quiet down.

"Alright then we have special guests today that will inform you what our field trip will be about, all I know is that we will be there for a few days." Just than Danny's parents busted in yelling

"Who's ready to go into the Ghost zone I know I am." Said Jack with so much excitement in his voice. All of the sudden everyone heard a thud and got scared believing it was another ghost attack then finally the 3rd time they heard it they all looked at the back of the class just in time to see Danny banging his head on the desk..

"Daniel James Fenton stop that this instant!" Maddie said

"Fine, but why the ghost zone?" Complained Danny "Oh look poor fenturd is scared to go just as always" said Dash. Danny's eyes glowed toxic green for brief moment no one noticed besides Sam, Tucker, and Dash who shut his mouth afterwards.

"Alright class we will be going to the ghost zone next Monday until then we will show you how to use the wrist rays and our lipstick blasters for now" Maddie told the students.

Sam noticed Danny has gotten paler at the mention of the field trip being so close. "Danny write a poem that usually calms you down we can't have you having another panic attack." Sam told Danny. Danny was speechless but did as Sam has said.

Demons:by Danny Fenton

Mundus sum ego lusus naturae in

una, in alia materia, quo ego vado

non adoraverunt ibi daemones

semper utcumque ego experiri

difficile servare auferet eos

Mr. Lancer glanced at the class when he noticed young Daniel scribbling down something in his notebook. He slowly made his way to him and grabbed his notebook. He saw that Danny has written a poem.

"Mrs. Fenton since when has young Daniel been able to write latin?" "What he doesn't know it I mean we have never taught him before he's not..."

  "I'm not what smart enough to know anything is that how you see me, fine I guess to you and Jack  I will only be an idiot who can never learn anything!!!"

Getting annoyed by the bickering Dash being Dash decided to interrupt their little argument and asked "Ey Mr. Lancer why don't you tell us what Fentonail wrote." Mr. Lancer cleared his throat while Danny begged him not to read it.

Demons by Danny Fenton

In one world I am a freak in another I

am adored no matter where i go my

demons will always be there no

matter how hard i try to keep them


~I don't know how to write a poem so don't judge the one I did thank you ~

Everyone stayed silently shocked about what Danny had written. Right after school the trio decided to go and hang out in the woods next to the park away from all the students of Casper high.

But just as they were arriving to their favorite destination they saw a ghost standing there staring right in the open as they got a closer look they noticed who it was.

Me: well that's the first chapter for you all hope you liked it. If you did please recommend it to your friends thank you.

Danny: It was ok I guess but how do we look has our appearances changed.

Me: I haven't gotten to that part yet don't get antsy with me now I can take away the rest of the food if you don't stay quiet Danny.

Danny: Alright Alright I get it I get it just don't take away my precious food away  *starts drooling *

Me:OK everyone we'll see on the next chapter bye now.

Word count 1159

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