Chapter 3: field trip of doom begins

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Danny:What are you doing

Me: I know how to introduce your guys new look

Danny: Really took you long enough. Never mind just tell me how

Me:Instead of explaining I'll draw you guys I've only done Sam so far and her drawing will be done soon

Danny:Alright but are you even good at drawing *Gets kicked in the shin*

Me: Yes I am *Gives an intense glare* well anyways lets get on with the story ENJOY

"Your what!! When? How? Your pregnant with Danny's child." Jazz yelled

"Actually its two I'm having twins."

" whoa hold on a minute your having twins I'm shocked but of course I'm not mad its just pure shock, so how far are you?" Jazz said

"I'm 8 weeks Jazz but that's not all your idiotic parents decided to take our English class on a mandatory field trip to the ghost zone and to top it off Danny has now become the new king of the ghost zone and the coronation will take place next Friday on his death day/birthday." 

"What were Jack and Maddie thinking taking a class of Irresponsible seniors to the ghost zone but never mind that I'm going with you we'll get everything sorted out and Sam have you told Danny about the babies?" 

"No I haven't I have no idea how I'm going to tell him."  "Don't worry if you want I'll be right by your side when you tell him."

"Thank you Jazz but I'm going to do it alone before the field trip can you stay close by please." "Of course Sam and Ill make sure I'm with all of you on that field trip something is bound to happen."

"Clockwork told me that one of Danny's personal guards will be paying close attention to me incase of any danger. There will also be a personal guard in walkers prison incase we get caught since everyone in the ghost zone knows about Danny being the new king by now. Its getting late I'll see you Sunday Tucker and I are spending the night so we can prepare for Mondays field trip of doom."

"Alright then promise me that you'll be careful alright I'll be right at your side on Sunday or whenever you chose to tell Danny." "Thanks Jazz thank you for being a big sister oh I almost forgot Jazz my parents know something about Danny's past before his adoption umm how can I put it he's not a Fenton your parents kidnapped him from his family now his parents are dead and my parents have located his brothers they will be here a day before the coronation." "I know Sam I heard my ex parents talking about it once that's why I've been protecting him all these years."

             ~time skip to Sunday afternoon brought to you by a lazy author ^_^~

"Fenton thermos"


"3 Fenton ghost fisher's"


"The Fenton ghost gloves. "


"2 Fenton Grappler's"


"6 pairs of the Fenton phones"


"12 Fenton spector deflector's "


"8 Fenton wrist rays"


" 4 Jack  O'nine tails"

Field trip to the Ghost zone and a surprise for Danny!? Where stories live. Discover now