Chapter 6:Pandora /Dora

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Tucker:Welcome back lovely reader please vote for Tucker the most handsome character in this story



Me:what are you doing you better not be saying anything dumb or I'll kill you 🔪🔪🔫🔫

Tucker: I wasn't doing anything promise

Me:Better be or you know what will happen

Tucker:*nods scared to death*

Me:Alright well enjoy guys and I hope you like my drawing of Danny ^_^

The sound was so loud that it startled team phantom. They instantly went to go investigate what happened. By the time they got there they saw Dash crouched down on the floor with his right leg bleeding. Next they saw maddie with an ecto ray after the jocks took away the first weapon she had. Since Danny was in the back of everyone he shot one of his ecto blasts towards Maddie's hand making her drop the weapon. Tucker ran towards her grabbing the weapon while the jocks ran over to Jack and captured him along with Maddie and searched for anymore hidden weapons.

~Time skip brought to you by fine ass Foley ~

"Great one the ship is finally repaired and Pandora has asked that you must go visit her, she has heard of your situation and wants to help you and Sam." Frosbite said "Alright thank you so much Frosbite for everything but we'll leave when Sam feels better first I don't want to risk anything happening to her anymore." Danny said

"No one in the class knows she's pregnant but secrets don't always stay secret." Tucker said.

"True master Foley, but since the babies will be half human, half ghost it has come to my attention that she will have them in less than five months due to quick growth of ghosts, I am predicting that she will start showing sometime next week." Frosbite said

"So what you're saying is that Sam's pregnancy is not a 9 month thing but it'll only last a total of 5 months. Oh god that is not enough time to get ready. "Danny said he kept rambling and Frosbite did not understand anything he said.

Danny stopped rambling when he saw Frosbite laughing his head off. "Hey don't laugh not cool Frosbite."
"Sorry great one but the way you were freaking out its too funny, but everything is under control both Pandora and clockwork have started getting the babies room ready and as soon as you get back to your world you should tell her parents so nothing gets confusing for them." "Alright, I will right now I'm glad we're in your personal study instead thank you for everything you've done for us so far." Danny told Frosbite woth a sincere heart.

"You have nothing to thank me Great one no one would be here of you hadn't defeated Pariah Dark. Now I believe we should go and check on your future Queen and the Yetis and I will go ahead and prepare materials that you will need on the rest of your journey." Frosbite told Danny, with that they left the private study and walked to the clinic to see Sam awake and seeing Dash trying to walk since he wants to go home or could it be that he wants to meet a certain hero called Danny phantom.

"Hey Sam are you feeling better?" Danny asked while Frosbite walked towards Dash to check on him. "Yea I'm feeling better, do I need to know what happened?" Sam said "No but I'll sum up the story for you kay, So jack and Maddie tried to get in here but for some strange reason everyone in the class especially the A-listers didn't let them in so Maddie being the psycho path that she is grabbed an ecto ray that she had hidden somewhere in her suit and shot Dash as you can see for yourself, I was able to to blast the weapon out of her hands with my ecto-blasts luckily I was at the very back so no one noticed, now they are being watched by Frosbite's people so no one else gets hurt." Danny explained to Sam.

Field trip to the Ghost zone and a surprise for Danny!? Where stories live. Discover now