Chapter 2: I'm the what now

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Me:Welcome back guys hope you like todays chapter

Danny: please make this chapter full of action

Tucker: Guess who

Me: What are you doing here Tucker.

Danny: umm Tuck if you're here who's with Sam


Danny:she's gonna beat us to a pulp for leaving her alone. *swallows nervously *

Tucker: *leaves before he gets his butt whooped by Sam. *

Me: Well this was awkward oh well than I hope you enjoy this chapter 🌝

When they got to their favorite spot in the woods they saw clockwork but of course he would know that they are right behind him "Hello Daniel, Sam, and Tucker I have been waiting for you. There is something I must discuss with all three of you."

"Sure what is it clockwork we're all ears." Said Danny "A new heir has been found in order to rule over the ghost zone we found out that Pariah had claimed that whosoever defeated him would become the new king, and well that would be you Danny you will be the new king on your death day which is next week it gives you enough time to get ready." Clockwork told team phantom specially to Danny.

"I'm the new what now!" Shouted Danny putting his hands in the air. While Sam and Tucker had their mouths open from the sudden shock. "Don't worry you will be a great king but your secret will be revealed during your trip all is as it should be Danny."

"How can we stay calm clockwork the idiots leading this are his own parents they don't know anything about the ghost zone they'll probably kill everyone and Danny." Said Sam secretly worried about Danny and about their unborn babies.

Sam asked to talk with clockwork alone for a while, but of course he knows what she will ask of him. Tucker took Danny back to the park to calm down for a while. After they left Sam asked clockwork

"We both know the situation I am in, so please just tell me that everything will be fine and no harm will come to all 3 of them you are Danny's father figure so if anything happens..." Sam stated with tears rolling down her cheek's but she continued anyways "Please interfere I can't live without them and will you be able to live without seeing your grandchildren be born and grow up."

Clockwork was actually stunned at what the goth beauty asked of him and he knows that he wants to meet them he knows that something bad will happen but no matter what the observants say or nag about it he will interfere for no one messes with his family he will inform everything to Pandora Danny's mother figure.

" I promise Sam I will interfere no matter what the consequences will be but with your consent I would like to tell Pandora about all of this we will gather all of Danny's allies to help and secretly protect all of you especially you but I must warn you that you will have to tell Daniel about your bundles of joy before the coronation next Friday . I will personally see that one of our allies within Walkers prison keeps you safe if you get captured even if he must reveal himself as a traitor to walker. We will do everything in our power to protect you all until the day of the coronation."

"Thank you clockwork that means everything to me right now and yes you may tell Pandora about all of this." Said Sam crying tears of happiness

"I will make a portal to your room you are too exhausted to do anything more for today I will personally see to it that Danny has calmed down by now." Clockwork told Sam as he created a portal to her room.

Before entering the portal Sam ran and hugged clockwork thanking him once more she then entered the portal.

Sam was now in her room though she wanted to sleep the whole idea of telling Danny about their kids will be difficult there is no easy way to do all this she is only 8 weeks so far. She remembers being with Danny on that night it was her 18th birthday so Danny decided to take her to a pretty expensive restaurant which believe it or not her parents helped Danny plan. After dinner everything started to escalate quickly next thing they new they were in a hotel room making out which lead to a very passionate night.

Field trip to the Ghost zone and a surprise for Danny!? Where stories live. Discover now