Chapter 7:Phantoms Keep

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Me: Hi guys like I promised here is Tucker I tried my best alright no criticism or im going after yall
*gives an intense glare*

Tucker: Woah I look hot *runs to author* I love it thanks so much

Me: Your welcome Tuck and if you may please introduce the story please

Tucker: Here is the next chapter and I better have more lines in here enjoy lovely readers ^_^.

Danny and Sam were the ones coming down the stairs by now Sam looks 4 months along it went unnoticed by most of the class besides a certain A-listers Latina girl (man that girl gets on my nerves) "Hey look everyone the Goth freak has gotten herself pregnant I bet the father is also a freak hahahaha." Paulina said while laughing

"Hey don't speak to her that way those are my kids your talking about." Danny said angry at the Queen bee his eyes glowing a toxic green very visable by everyone in the class.

Out of no where maddie and Jack came in "We've finally got you Phantom, we have always known it was you that's why we used you as an experiment that's why we took you away from your family."

Danny didn't care if his secret was revealed now his family real family is in danger and Sam must be protected. "Tucker, Jazz take Sam away to a safe place." Danny said while kissing Sam and said that he'll be ok and not to worry but we all know that won't happen.

Sam was sent back to her room with Jazz and Tucker but Tucker said that he'll go help Danny so Sam won't worry too much.

Maddie launched herself to Danny and a couple of jocks surprisingly were able to stop her but soon got out their grasps. The rest of the class ran off to hide somewhere

Just as Danny was about to lose skulker decided to crash the party he saw Danny fighting a tall overweight guy in an orange jumpsuit and a woman in a light blue jumpsuit and saw him losing, he didn't know if to capture him or help him. If he let the psycho scientists take him then he won't be able to hunt him down anymore.

Just when he had made up his mind Danny was about to get blasted. So he went behind Jack and Maddie and hit them hard enough in their necks and fell unconscious. He went straight to Danny as he saw him breathing deeply.

"Sit down ghost child and catch your breath I came today to ask for a truce, I wanted to tell you that I have decided to stop hunting you down thanks to Siren he gave me an amazing pelt today and I agreed that if he gave me a rare pelt I would stop hunting both of you down." Skulker said

The class decided to come out of hiding just as the guards took both adults down to the dungeons. They were shocked to see how Fenton fought against his ex parents and thought why he never fought against the bullies at school.

"Go back to your room until dinner ill go get you myself plus I believe that the Goth girl must be anxious to know about you don't ever want to worry her." Skulker told Danny. "Alright but after dinner we're going to have a serious conversation skulker about this siren person and why he said to stop hunting me."

~Meanwhile at the Manson
resident ~

"Honey Mr. Wayne and the boys will be here soon is everything ready?" Mr. Manson asked his wife. "Yes dear I'm putting the finishing touches." Mrs. Manson told her husband and at that moment they heard the doorbell ring and Sam's mom went into the living room with with her husband as he was about to open the door.

"Welcome Mr. Wayne come in come in." Jeremy said "Thank you for inviting us, come on boys say hi to the Mansons." Bruce said. "Hi" said a boy with raven like hair and baby blue eyes 'he looks just like Danny and about the same age too they look like twins'pam thought to herself.

Field trip to the Ghost zone and a surprise for Danny!? Where stories live. Discover now