Chapter 9: triple trouble

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        Me:I'm back guys I'm sorry for leaving you hanging for so long its been a month but as you can see I'm alive and running for my life.

Angry mob:Come back here *holding pitchforks  while running after me. *

Tucker: hahaha that's what you get.

Sam: Tucker shut up leave her alone.

Danny:well looks like she ain't gonna get out of this one alive.

Me:Someone HELP ME PLEASE!!!!

Tucker: As we help this ungrateful author we leave you guys with the next chapter hope you enjoy.

        ~Time skip to morning ~

"Say sorry to Paulina, Dan." Danny said. "I don't want to. I don't like Paulina." "Don't start." "But old man I don't like her." Dan said pouting. "Me  neither." Dani said while glaring at Paulina. Mason is looking shy so he stays quiet trying not to get into trouble like his siblings.

"Dan is just too cute." Sam says.

"So why don't you like me?" Paulina asks Dan while getting close to him. "Get close you die." Dan says glaring at her. "Awe so cute." Sam whispers.

"Umm Ms. Mason?"Mr. Lancer starts.

"I can't stop him I approve and he looks so cute." Sam states. Dan just smiles at his mom. "Umm Mr. Phantom?" Lancer asks. "Well I can't I didn't even win with the name which I still don't like." Danny replies.

"My Daddy!" Dani says very happy. "Papa!" Mason says happily yet shy. "Dad, old man!" Dan says smirking.
"Daddy!" Danniella said happy.

Dash just looks at the family confused of what is happening. "Old man." Dan glares at Danny. "What!?" Danny asks.

Dan points at the geek talking to Sam. "Get him away from Mama!" "Dan he is just hugging her." Danny tries to reason. "I don't like him, get him away." Dan keeps glaring and starts to get mad.

Danny looks shocked at how Dan was glaring at the geek. "Umm Sam come  here please!" Dan runs up to Sam and hugs her. "Mommy, don't ever talk to another man unless it's the old man,or Uncle Tucker." "Don't worry baby if any boy annoys me or can't take a hint I'll just blast them."

"Sam!" "Fine, I'll punch them." "That was close." Danny said. "HeHe Dan doesn't like it." Mason said "So your the joker of the triplets I see it now." Danny said. 'Mason is just trying to act shy and cute in front of everyone I see now' Danny thought.

"Your so cute Mason." Sam said. Dick looks at the kids and whispers to Danny's ear "They look like us." Danny nods in agreement.

Danny then starts grounding Dan for freezing Paulina. Sam is still laughing. "That's my boy." she says. "Dan phantom! Stop freezing Paulina you understand." "Why should I? I don't like her." "That was fun." Daniella said.

"Well Daniella acts like our mom that's kinda scary." Dick said. "Mom I'm  laughing." Dan said. "it's still not okay to freeze people." Mr. Lancer told them. "I helped." Daniella said.

Mason was laughing. "That's my boy, I'm so proud." Sam said laughing. "Dan phantom stop freezing Paulina!" Danny yelled. "unfreeze her so everyone can eat breakfast and they can leave."

"Wait they leave after breakfast?" "yes Dan if you could just leave them alone and little while longer they could be out of here faster than you want." "Alright then, I'll unfreeze this shallow girl so she can leave forever."

Dan unfreezes Paulina and everyone sits down to eat. Paulina is shaking from being frozen Danny puts a blanket around her to warm her up Danniella and Dani look at Paulina with pure hate as they don't want to see Danny with some shallow girl.

As they get ready for breakfast Danny decides to go down to the dungeon to pay a visit to Jack and Maddie as he will personally give them their breakfast.

"Here's your breakfast I hope you think about what you did but as you have tried to kill me and my family you will be in prison for many years."
Danny said

"We'll get out of here you ecto scum and we'll come after you and rip you apart molecule by molecule." Maddie replied. "I see you haven't changed so be it ill be taking my leave."

As Danny gets back to everyone else breakfast has been put on the table they seem to enjoying themselves. Danny sits next to Sam and his four children he noticed that they all liked to eat pancakes, bacon, and eggs with orange juice.

                      ~3 hours later ~

Everyone was ready to get back home but what Danny didn't know was that Vlad was planning on capturing Danny along with the GIW so he can get Maddie out of that prison.

"I got to be as quiet as possible in order to get her out of there and capture Daniel and become king of the ghost zone. " Vlad said to himself

Everyone was ready to leave and resume their lives in Amity park. They all said their goodbyes and got on the spector speeder with Jazz in the drivers seat and Tucker in the passengers seat in order to help incase there are any complications.

They have to go through the whole ghost zone in order to get back since Danny's ghost portal was not yet finished after it exploded. It is almost repaired but his class cannot afford to wait any longer or they will have to go back to a search party back home.

But just as they were about to leave the trio decided to pull one more prank on them as their goodbye present.

They decided to pretend to freeze the speeder bus to freak everyone out. Everyone was screaming their heads off except for Jazz and Tucker for they new who caused this as they started to fly away. At the sight of this Sam started laughing uncontrollably as for Danny he glared at his children but couldn't help but laugh as well.

Me:well this chapter is shorter than the rest but hope you liked the chapter and I'm so sorry for taking forever to update

Daniella: Hi guys

Dan: hi there people

Mason: umm hello do you guys know where my mom is?

Danny: she's over here guys

Sam: what have you guys been up to.

Me: they found their way to my office I don't know how though would you 3 like to end the chapter?

Dan, mason, Danniella: we all hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't kill her or we're gonna go after all of you during your sleep 😎

Word count 1100

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