Chapter 4:What did I do to deserve this

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Danny: so it looks like you can actually draw amazing. *blushes *

Me:Thank you Danny *grins evilly *

Danny:Why are smiling like that

Me:No reason. Well here's the next chapter guys ^_^*starts running away from Danny *

Danny:No tell me what you are up to get back here don't you run away from me young lady!!! *starts running after me*

Sam was the first to wake up. She slowly looked around to see what happened, the spector speeder bus was now ruined the class was spread around everywhere both Tucker and Jazz were on both sides of her but she couldn't find Danny anywhere. "Danny where are you!!" Sam shouted waking Tucker and Jazz up.

She desperately looked around the crash site along side Tucker and Jazz. After they couldn't find him among the others they decided to go to look through the pieces of the spector speeder bus. What they saw horrorfied them. "Danny!!" All 3 of them shouted at the same time waking everyone up including the 3 adults. Sam instantly ran as fast as possible towards Danny tears threatening to come out but she pushed them back. When the class was fully awake they all went over to to see why Sam, Tucker, and Jazz had shouted.

When they got there they saw Fenton with a large hole in his stomach his face had been bruised and two long metal poles were through both of his shoulders. That's when they noticed that no one was bruised not even a scratch. Everyone wondered how Danny was the only one bruised up.

Danny started to stirr and finally woke up "Is everyone alright please tell me no one was hurt." He said. "Everyone is alright but we need to treat you now before you worry Sam even more. You know she cant stress over you getting hurt all the time." Jazz told Danny. "Alright sorry Sam I'll be careful next time so please don't cry." Danny said facing Sam drying her tears that not even she had noticed were coming down like raining on a summer day.

Danny sat up slowly and looked at both his shoulders. He grabbed the end of one and started to pull it out all the girls and the nerds instantly turned around. He was able to pull it no one knew how he wouldn't scream when he pulled both out the jocks and the 3 adults looked dumbfounded that they couldn't say anything.

Five minutes later Jazz and Sam got the first aid kit out and started cleaning him a little bit. He had no debris on his face he only had minor scratches but they all had one thought in common' how did he survive from that gaping hole through his chest no one should be able to survive through anything like that.'

Sam got a needle and a thread. "If you have a weak stomach turn around." everyone except Dash, kwan and Maddie and Jack turned around. Once she started to stitch up his wound both jocks turned around they believed that they could take on watching Fenton being stitched up but they couldn't. They felt like throwing up. "Alright Danny everything is okay now please be careful." Sam said finally when the class turned around they finally noticed Danny's built body their eyes widened "Wow Fenton's ripped." Kwan said out loud.

All the girls jaws instantly dropped to the floor if its even possible. They also noticed all the scars he had but what shocked them most was the tattoo on his back.

The tattoo was a flaming crown with a flower through it representing Sam and her love for plants, on the side there was a green serpent representing Tucker and on the other side there was a yellow heart for Jazz.

"Daniel James Fenton!! Where did you get all those scars from and that awful tattoo?" Maddie shouted at her son. "Well I wouldn't have these scars if your inventions wouldn't keep exploding every hour, plus the ghosts keep attacking me for no reason and with the constant beatings I keep receiving at school how could I not have all these scars." Danny said "As for my tattoo you will not remove it. Once I'm 18 I'm moving as far as possible from you."

Field trip to the Ghost zone and a surprise for Danny!? Where stories live. Discover now