Chapter 5:walker's prison

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Me:Welcome back guys missed you LOL well everyone has literally ditched me so I'm alone for this chapter *starts shouting *Danny, Sam, Tucker where are you guys!!!
I will make you suffer if you don't come out. Enjoy the story guys*keeps looking for the trio A.K. A. TRAITORS! *

Sam was the first to wake up again she nudged Tucker who woke Jazz up. They looked for Danny who wasn't in the same cell as they were. Then they heard someone wake up in the cell across from them. "Danny!" All 3 yelled simultaneously waking some of the class up and by some I mean the jocks.

"Hey where are we?" asked Kwan while holding his head. "Hey how come fenturd has his own cell?" Dash asked. All of the sudden the Fenton grown ups wake up and the first thing they worry about are their gadgets instead of Danny who looks like a mess blood going down his left side of the face.

Danny woke up looking at everyone who was awake and was glad when it seemed they were alright he then looked at Sam hoping she wasn't hurt because if she was Walker was going to get it today.

"Sam are you okay and what about the bundles are they alright too." Danny asked her with worry in his voice. "Yes Danny we're alright." Sam told Danny. A guard came walking in. "My king I am your humble servant I have been talking with Fright Knight we are making a plan to get all of you out but we do have a problem." "Alright what is the problem at hand?" Danny said "You won't like it your Highness but Walker has captured the princess and is planning on torturing her in front of you and your Queen." Just then walker walks in dragging an unconscious Dani right behind him. Danny and Sam both got mad and their eyes are glowing a dangerous toxic green.

~Flashback to clockworks conversation with Sam ~

"Sam both of your children will be half ghost just like Danny and yourself." Clockwork told Sam "wait what I had a theory that they would because of Danny but how am I half ghost." Sam asked clockwork. "Well I presume that you remember the undergrowth accident and how you became his daughter because of your love for plants." "Yes" "okay since he took over you longer than the others you were exposed to more ectoplasm than everyone else. Since you are expecting your little bundles the powers in you that have been dormant for so long, will be Surfacing a little bit at a time. So you must tell Daniel as soon as possible before something happens." Clockwork told Sam "Alright when I get him by himself I'll tell him, I promise." "I know you will but right now I will inform Pandora so she may help you turn into your elter ego but for now I believe that you have business to take care with a certain Latina girl." Clockwork told Sam showing her what was happening. Sam was furious she walked back to her boyfriend.

~End of Flashback ~

"Walker leave her alone, you can torture me all you want but let her go NOW!" His eyes glowing a dangerous toxic green. Walker threw Dani with Sam and Tucker and went to Danny smirking.

"Alright punk its just you and me, now what kind of punishment should we start with should we do electrocution, whips, or blood blossoms?" "I don't care walkie can you just get this over with I'm bored." Danny said trying to start his plan of escape and save his family and probably look for a new warden. "Just for being annoying you get another
1,000 years. "Walker said with a wide grin that sent goosebumps throughout the class skin." Fine we will start with 30 whips, next we go with 10,000 volts and have you eat 2 blood blossoms with that you will pay for leading a massive prison break wich give you 10, 000 more years. "

"Leave my baby boy alone you ghost scum just you wait until I get out of here you will regret everything you have done to him." Maddie shouted loud enough so that Dani woke up startled in Sam's arms.

"Where am I. Mommy is that you or am I dreaming. "Dani asked. You could hear people gasping at what they just heard the young girl say. "Yes Dear its me. Shh your going to be alright." Sam said in a soothing voice to calm her little girl down.

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