Who is this?

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Rey's POV

I thought we were just making a stop to get supplies. When we landed they told me to wait outside. Then the engine roared to life. Whatss was going on?

"Mommy! Daddy! No, come back!"

I had just been left by my parents. All alone. At 5 years old. Do they even love me? Suddenly a blue orb appeared in front of me. As if reading my thoughts it answered, "Of course they love you Rey." I was a bit startled that the orb knew my name. "H-how do y-you know my name?", I half stuttered and half shivered, for it was getting cold on whatever planet I was on. The orb transformed, as if by magic, into a an elderly man. I gasped in surprise.

"Who are you?"

The strange man said "I am your grandfather, child." He opened his arms as if he wanted me to come to him. "Come my child, we have much to discuss inside the ship." I was confused. What ship? Then I saw it. A great big smuggling ship right in front of me had its doors open and the was another strange man and a Wookiee. Without even thinking, I ran up and hugged the Wookiee because I was so cold. Then the man beside the Wookiee spoke to the man who led me here and said,"So this is her, Ben?"

"Yes, this is her Han."

Han. I felt like I had heard that name once before. Then it clicked.

"You're Han Solo!"

"I am. The one and only."

"Then that means that this is ..." I stepped back from the Wookiee when I realized who he was. "...Chewbacca!"

The Wookie roared something I didn't catch but but Han obviously did. Before he could tell me anything, I was already passed out against Chewy's warm, fuzzy leg.

Han's POV

"Alright kid, time to go."

But she was already passed out against Chewy. She looked like Ben had when he was her age. Luckily, Chewy didn't mind having her on him. But before we got in the cockpit, Chewy put her in his lap so that she would be more comfortable while we traveled at hyperspace toward Yavin 4.

About an hour before we got to Yavin 4, the little girl, Rey as I was told by Ben, woke up. Ben must sensed that she was awake because shortly after she got up, Ben was there to keep her occupied by answering her questions.

Obi-Wan's POV

Rey was very curious about everything and the world around her, including the Force, so much so that she reminded me of Anakin when he was fresh off of Tatooine.

"Why did mommy and daddy leave me alone?"

"They were trying to protect you. They knew that because you were Force sensitive and that someone would be following you. So they left you here as a safety precaution for you and themselves."

"What's the Force? Why would someone want me if I'm Force sensitive?"

"Why don't I let someone else explain that to you?"


"Because we are where we were headed."

Luke's POV

I saw the Millenium Falcon descend through the atmosphere. Did Leia put him up to something again? Anyway, I went to greet them to find that, to my surprise, Ben's Force ghost was also with them.

"What brings you here, Ben?"

You can imagine my suprise when I saw a little girl, no more than five, peeking out from behind him. I addressed the girl:

"And who might you be?"

She replies : "I'm Rey!"

"How old are you?"


I address my old master: "Why is she here, Ben?"

"Her parents dropped her off on Coruscant for her own protection."

"What do you mean?"

"Snoke was following her."

I had almost forgotten that the little girl was right there until she asked : "Who's Snoke?"

Ben took care of her by telling her to go off and find some friends to play with while we finished our conversation .

Rey's POV

Grandpa told me to go find some friends to play with. Soon enough, I found a pretty garden with lots and lots of really pretty flowers. Sitting in the middle of garden was a boy, maybe around ten years old. He was really quietly which made me think he was meditating. I decided to leave him alone in peace and quiet when he smiled and said to me :

"What's your name?"

"I'm Rey! What about you?"

"I'm Ben. Ben Solo."



I was debating in my head whether to tell him about my journey here, but I decided not to. He asked me my last name.

"I'm a Kenobi."


"Yeah. He brought me here."

"Alright, what ship's captain did he bribe now?"

"Han Solo and Chewbacca! He's so fuzzy and soft and- "

"Wait - Dad's here?"


"I'm gonna go say hi. Wanna come with?"

"I think he already left."

"Well it was worth a try."

Author's Note

Please don't judge this chapter or book because this is my very first fanfiction ever. Veteran writers, if you have any advice please comment below.

- Alex

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