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Leia's POV 

It was about mid-afternoon when we had an aircraft approach the base. I knew right away who was flying the craft before they uttered a word. Ben, my son, had come home.

"Give him permission to land."

"Yes General."

I rush outside to greet him. When the door opened, I saw my son for the first time in 18 years. He rushed forward and embraced me with a hug.

"It's so good to see you again, Ben."

"You too, Mom."

"How did you manage to resist him all these years? Even when you were at those villages killing everyone?"

"That wasn't me when I was doing that. Snoke was somehow possessing me through the Force. When I wasn't being possessed, I always stayed on the Light Side and tried to remember you, dad, Uncle Luke, and..."

"And who, Ben?"

As his voice started to break, he said "Rey."

He couldn't handle the pain any longer and fell to the ground and started crying.

I knelt down to try and comfort him.

"Oh, Ben. Sweetheart, it wasn't your fault."

"I know, but while I was with Snoke, he kept threatening Rey as if she was still alive."

What? Rey's still alive?  "Did you ever find out where she is?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't. But I can try to find her through our Force Bond."

"Do it. For Rey."

Ben's POV 

I went to my quarters when Mom showed me where they were. I meditated for a little bit. Then I ventured out into the universe to try and find Rey. I started on the planet of Jakku, since that is where we agreed for her to go when Snoke had come. I started to probe the planet. After about an hour, I ran across two very familiar Force signatures. Startled, I  opened my eyes.

"I hope that I'm not too late Rey."

Author's Note 

Sorry for taking so long to publish another chapter. My excuse is that I had to get a science project done before today.

Help me, Rey Kenobi, You're My Only Hope {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now