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*Listen to Unsteady by X Ambassadors

Leia's POV 

I'm coming, Ben. Just hang in there.

That is all I can think that doesn't make cry my soul out. I can't think negatively. I can't afford it. I'm there, at Yavin 4, before I can blink. I can feel my son's Force signature. Immediately, I know that Rey was right. Ben was drifting. I let one tear after another fall to the ground, and before I know it there's a puddle at my feet.

Luke's POV 

As soon as she comes out of hyperspace, I can feel my sister's anguish and pain when she felt that Ben was drifting. When she landed, she ran to me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow.

"What are we going to do, Luke?"

"I don't know, Leia."

When she realized that Rey wasn't with me, she asked me "Where's Rey?"

"She's already decided that she won't leave his side until they are together again, dead or alive."

"Oh, Luke."

Rey's POV 

Ben, I know you may not be able to hear me, but... I need you. Luke needs you. Your mom needs you. And, even though it may not sound right, your dad also needs you.

Almost instantly after I said this to Ben, I heard someone call my name from the door of the room.


"Leia! I'm so sorry. It was all my fault. I should have sensed that there was something bothering him before we started meditating."

"Rey, oh honey, no. Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was. How could I have been so ignorant? Why does this have to happen?"

I was so confused. Grandpa must have sensed that I was upset. He tried to comfort me. But no matter what anyone said, I still felt it was my fault that Ben was this way.

Obi- Wan's POV 

I sensed that Rey was upset and conflicted about something. That's odd. She's always so upbeat and cheerful when she's with Ben. I have to go see what's wrong. And that's when I saw it. Everyone gathered around a hospital bed at the academy. Who's in the bed? 

Ben. Ben was in the bed. This was why Rey was upset, but not why she was conflicted.

"Rey, why are you so conflicted? Rey?"

She didn't respond. I had to know why she was conflicted, so I read what was going through her head. I heard her thoughts.

I did this to him. Why couldn't I sense that there was something bothering him before we started meditating? This is my fault. I shouldn't have rushed him.

I try and speak with her. Rey?

Why did this have to happen, Grandpa? It's all my fault.

No, Rey, my sweet child, it wasn't your fault.

Yes, it was.

Why aren't you talking to everyone else?

I can't leave Ben alone.

Rey, he won't be alone. I'll be with him. 

No, I can't leave him.

Suddenly, Rey got more upset.

No, no, NO!!!

Rey, what is it? But it was no use. She was no longer paying attention to me.

No, Ben! You can't leave me! Please.... I need you. I can't bear life without you. You make it so that I can look forward to every day. Please, Ben. Don't leave me alone in this cruel world because of my mistake. 

No. Not again. Ben was drifting further away from reality. I needed to tell the others.

"Luke. Leia."

Luke replies "What is it Ben?"

Leia asks "Any progress with Rey?"

"Leia, sadly yes. There is progress, but her focus is still on keeping Ben in this realm of the Force and not drifting into the next. It seems that she is the only thing keeping Ben from passing because he cares so deeply for her."

Leia immediately falls to the ground when she learns that Ben is in between the realms of the Force and in danger of passing into the other.

Then Rey started crying. I could feel that they were happy tears. 


He's coming back, Grandpa!


Yes, but at least he's not slipping anymore.

I go back and tell the others the happy news.

"Ben, why is Rey crying?" Leia asked, worried for her son's life.

I assure them that they are happy tears.

"Ben is making very slow progress, but he is coming back."

Author's Note

So, did you guys like this chapter? What do you want to happen in the next chapter? Comment below.

- Alex

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