Protect Her

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A few weeks after Ben woke up from his coma...

Ben's POV 

In his dream

He is at the academy and in his bedroom. Snoke is standing the doorway, holding Rey in the air and choking her.

"No! Please, let her go!"

"Not until you join me."

Rey managed to squeak something out to me."No, Ben! Don't do it!"

I looked up to her with remorse."I'm sorry, Rey, but I can't let you die." I turned back to the figure holding her in the air.

"Fine. I'll join you. But let her go. Let her live." I plead with the figure.

"No."He turns his attention to Rey. Her eyes widen, knowing what was about to happen.

"Goodbye, Ben." Then the figure snaps her neck.

"NOOO!!!REY!!!" I run over to her and catch her before she hits the ground.

I look at the figure and say to him, "You're a monster. She was an innocent child. I will never join you now."

The dream fades but Ben hears the figure say "This will happen if you do not join me immediately. You should make your decision quickly. I'll be coming for you tonight."

I jolt awake from the nightmare. Or had it been a vision? I need protect her from this. She needs to get away from here before tonight. When Rey comes to wake me up, I'm already up and dressed for our daily meditation. After dinner, I pull her aside to tell her something important.

Rey's POV 

Ben pulls me aside after dinner and says that he needs me to get away from here before tonight.

"Why do I need to run?"

"Please Rey, just trust me."

"It's the voice, isn't it? He's coming tonight?!"

Yes Rey, he's coming tonight. I've decided to go with them."

"No! Why Ben?" She asks me crying.

"They'll kill you if I don't and I can't let that happen."

"No! I'm not running until I know that he is coming."

"Go to my mother. Tell her what has happened. Please, Rey. Run. I'll come find you again. I promise."

And with that he ran off, tears streaming down his face, to go pack his things for tonight. I should probably do the same. So I go to my room and I pack my things.

That night, 7:00...

Ben's POV 

I'm sick with worry for Rey. Then I hear engines roaring. They're here.

Rey, run!! They're here!

I'm going to the X-wings now. Ah!!

REY!!! Are you okay? Rey?!?! No! Rey's dead and it's my fault. Now the figure from my dreams is coming for me.

Rey's POV 

I hear Ben's warning, like we had arranged.

Rey, run!! They're here!

Help me, Rey Kenobi, You're My Only Hope {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now