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Rey's POV

I have been a scavenger here on Jakku ever since I crashed here. I was on my second run of the day. I went to the Star Destroyer I always see people going to, which I found out was called the Inflictor. The captain, Ciena Ree, tried to sacrifice herself and her ship by crashing into the surface after everyone else had abandoned ship. Though after her lifelong friend, Thane Kyrell,found out what she wanted to do, he rushed to the bridge and saved even though she did not want to be saved. Anyway, I do two runs a day because usually other scavengers will come across parts that they deem invaluable, but in reality they are very valuable to Unkar Plutt. This means more portions for me that they wont get because they look hard enough. Suddenly, as I'm digging for the part that Unkar Plutt said that he would pay 10 whole portions for, I hear this booming voice.

"I know that you're down there, scavenger. Don't try to run. You're trapped."

Who does this guy think he is? Then I realize that it might be the feared leader of the First Order, Snoke. Why does he want me? Actually come to think of it he rarely deals with things personally. But deep down, something was telling me that his intentions were far more sinister than to punish me for a crime that I may have committed. He wanted to kill me. I don't how, but I could essentially feel the waves of anger spilling off of him. I hid in the compartment I was searching through at the moment. Then I heard another voice, this one gentle but definitely male:

"If you lay a hand on her, I will kill you myself."
"If you want the girl to live, then submit to me!"
"Then she will die!"

I was suddenly being choked and rising up out of the Star Destroyer. I hear the gentle man cry out in pain, as if he could feel my pain. When I reach the surface, I see a battle being fought. The young man tried to free me from Snoke's grasp on my throat, but was not able to. It was as if he, for some reason, was trying to protect me. When I was finally free, the young man said

"Run to the ship in the south. Run, Rey, run!"

As I ran like the man instructed I wondered how he knew my name. When I stepped inside, I had a flashback to before the crash.

I knew where was instantly. I realize that I'm sitting in a room that I remember living in at the Jedi Academy. It was the night of the attack. The last time I had seen Ben. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I heard Ben's warning.

Rey, run! They're here.

I run to the hanger and am almost to an X - wing when TIE fighters came shot all of the planes so that we wouldn't be able to escape. I scream into the Force Bond I have with Ben. I pass out from the sheer blast.

As soon as I come to, I realize that the ship is in hyperspace and Ben is by my side tending to all of my wounds that I had gotten that day from scavenging. I sit up very quickly, which surprises Ben. Play it cool. You don't know if he has changed for the worst or better, so get attached just to be betrayed. But I can't help it. I smile and embrace him, remembering the promise he made to find me. I whisper two simple words in his ear that made him smile—
"Thank you."
Ben's POV
After I defeated Snoke, I ran to the ship that I had taken to get here. Rey was on the floor, probably from exhaustion and dehydration. I put her on the med bay bed and started to tend to her wounds after I put the ship in hyperspace toward D'Qarr. As I worked, I noticed that Rey had a plethora of scars. All I can think is that I wasn't here for here all those years. To protect her. After I was done tending to her bandages, I put her wrap back on. Almost as I was going to get up and go to the cockpit, she sits up quite quickly turns towards me and smiles gently. Then she does something unexpected : she hugs me and whisper two simple words that made me smile—
"Thank you."

Author's Note:
Thank you for commenting that you think my book is good, @reylosgalaxy. The exact situation when Thane rescues Ciena can be found in the last few chapters of the book Lost Stars.

- Alex

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