Dark Side

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Ten years later...

Poe's POV

I had been given a very special mission by General Leia Organa Solo herself. She said that the Resistance had recently received a message from Lor San Tekka that he had the last piece of the map to Luke Skywalker. Unfortunately, we know that the First Order intercepted this message and are also headed to his location now, which is a small village on Jaccu. I have to get there before they do. For the Resistance. Fortunately, I do get there before the First Order does. San Tekka is waiting outside his home for me.

"I've been waiting for you. Come inside."

I tell BB-8 to keep watch for the First Order. After he rolls off to his post, I follow the old man.

"Tell me, what is your name?"

"Poe. Poe Dameron."

He takes a pouch, which has the map in it, and closes it in my hand.

"This will begin to make things right. I have traveled too far and seen too much despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force."

Just then BB-8 rolls in and tells me that the First Order is here.

"We've got company."

We walk outside and I take my binoculars and see that there are four ships full of stormtroopers heading toward the village.

"You have to hide."

"You have to leave."

I hurry toward my X-wing with BB-8.

"Hurry, BB-8."

As soon as I get in my X-Wing, the stormtroopers shot down the engine so that I couldn't get away. But they forgot to make sure my guns weren't functioning, so I shot the storm troopers into the air. I get out of the X-wing and take the map out of the sack Lor San Tekka kept it in and face it to BB-8.

"You take this. It's safer with you than it is with me. You get as far away as possible from her. You hear me? I'll come back for you. It'll be all right."

I cock my gun and hide behind a rock. Soon enough, Kylo Ren shows up at the village to take the map. I can only hope BB-8 is already far away from this place. Lor San Tekka is brought before him by stormtroopers.

"Look how old you've become."

"Something far worse has happened to you."

"You know what I've come for."

"I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."

"The map to Skywalker. We know you found it. And now you will give it to the First Order."

"The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not."

"I'll show you the Dark Side."

"You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your family."

"You're so right."

Then he ignites his red, unstable lightsaber and kills San Tekka. I shot at him, but he stopped the blaster bolt with only the Force. I had never seen this raw power. Ever. In the process, he also froze me. He sent stormtroopers to bring me before him.

"So, who talks first? I talk first, you talk first?"

"The old man gave it to you."

"It's kind of hard to understand through the apparatus."

"Search him."

"Nothing, sir."

"Bring him on board."

A chrome trooper, the commander I assumed, walked up to Kylo Ren.

"Sir, the villagers?"

"Kill them all."

They all screamed in fear.

"On my command. Fire."


They're all dead because of me.

Finn's POV (added after originally published)
All I knew is that we were on a transport to the surface to some planet called Jakku. We were met with heavy fire from the villagers. During the skirmish, I noticed one of my squad mates was injured and ran to help him. But by the time I got over there, it was too late to save him. In his last moments he smeared my helmet with blood. A commanding officer came and stationed me with the other troopers around the villagers. I overheard Kylo Ren and some old dude talking before Kylo Ren got angry and slashed him down and then they brought out a younger man with dark hair and brown eyes. And might I add, a lot of sarcasm and a good sense of humor. They searched him and then they walked him to the ship and Captain Phasma gave the order to load our weapons.
"On my mark. Fire."
For some reason I could not bring myself to fire upon these innocent villagers like I was trained to do all my life. After all of the villagers who were shot by all of the other stormtroopers. When we were all clear of the path of the laser blot that the younger man had shot, Kylo Ren let it free and it hit the antenna right in front of me. I jumped back slightly, frightened. Then I noticed that Kylo Ren was staring at me, with contempt I think. I can never tell with the mask that he is always wearing. I wonder if he noticed me not shooting at the villagers.

Author's Note

Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! I have to give credit to my friend Marissa for helping me come up with the concepts for some of the scenes. So, to thank her, I will be letting her start the next chapter.

- Alex

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