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A few months later...

Ben's POV

I was a little surprised to see that Rey wasn't up. In fact, she was curled up, asleep, next to my feet. Then I saw where I was. How did I get here? Then I remembered the last couple months. Rey had stayed by my side. I was in awe as I watched her sleep. I realized she had never left this room since the day I went into my coma when I saw how extremely skinny she was. I also noticed she was breathing very heavily, as if she was struggling to breathe. I knew this to be true through our Force bond, so I contacted Uncle Luke.

Uncle Luke?

Ben! You're awake.

I need your help. It's about Rey.

Luke's POV

I learned that Ben was awake as soon as I heard his voice.

Ben! You're awake.

I need your help. It's about Rey.

What is it, Ben?

She's barely alive! She is probably hanging on by sheer willpower, waiting for me. I need you to get her to a room of her own and help her heal.

How was I going to explain to him that Rey wouldn't let us take her away from his side?

Rey refused to eat until she knew that you not going to slip.


You almost passed out of this realm of the Force, Ben. She believed that if she took her attention off of you for one second, you would start to slip back toward the other realm of the Force.


She blames herself for your coma.

What? Why?

She thought that she should have sensed something was bothering you. She feels that she shouldn't have rushed you.

There was no way she could have sensed that something was bothering me. I always have my guard up, unless I'm meditating or sleeping. But Rey still needs help.

Yes, she does. Now that she knows you're awake and not going to start slipping again, she should be okay with us taking her to a separate room so she can recover without worrying about you.

Thank you, Uncle Luke. I needed to contact Rey somehow and tell her that I am awake.

Rey? You okay?

Ben! You're okay!

Yeah, but you're not. You're so skinny.

I didn't want you to start drifting back.

Yeah. Uncle Luke explained that to me. And while you were talking through the Force Bond, I could hear you you know.

You could?

Yeah. But we need t get you to a seperate room so that you can heal.


Did mom or dad come?

Yes, your mom hasn't left the planet since she knew you were drifting. Your dad came occasionally, but he couldn't bear to see you like this so he wasn't here most days.

Rey, Uncle Luke's here. You need to wake up.


Rey's POV

Rey, Uncle Luke's here. You need to wake up.

Okay. So I woke up. I saw Master Luke carrying me to the room beside Ben, so that I could heal and get my energy back.

A few days later...

At night

Ben's POV

Now that both me and Rey are fully healed, we're allowed to go back to our rooms. I easily drift off to sleep,  knowing that Rey is okay.

I found myself listening to this weird voice that kept threatening me if I didn't join him. He kept saying he would kill Rey. I couldn't let that happen, but I couldn't join him either. He told me if I told Uncle Luke, Rey would die by his own hands.

No, stop threatening me and Rey. Please.

No, I will not.

The only way to get the voices out of my head was to wake up. So I did. I woke up in a cold sweat because I had been so worried about Rey. I need to go make sure that she's okay.

Rey's POV

I felt someone coming down the hallway. I got up to defend myself, like Master Luke had taught us to. But when the door opened, it was only Ben. What's going on? He isn't ever awake this late at night. What's bothering him?

"Ben, what's bothering you?"

"Voices are getting inside my head and threatening you. I had to come see if you were alright."

"It's okay, Ben." I say as I start to cuddle with him trying to get him to go back to sleep.

Ben, I'll be right here while you sleep.

Rey, you also can't tell Uncle Luke.


Because if you do the voice said that if anyone tells Uncle Luke, you would die by his own hands.

Oh, Ben. It's okay. I'm here.

The next morning

I wasn't comfortable going to meditate in the gardens with Ben after what had happened, but I still needed to meditate so I could calm down. So I meditated for thirty minutes before waking up Ben so that we could go eat breakfast.

Ben's POV

Rey didn't wake me up until we had to go eat breakfast at 9. What was going on? Why didn't she wake me up early?

She answered my questions by saying to me "I don't feel comfortable meditating with you anymore. I dont want you to start drifting again."

"Oh, okay."

"I could sense that voices were the thing that were bothering you."

"Rey, the voices go away when I'm around you for some reason." But I don't know why.


"Really." My little Rey of Light.

Author's Note

Sorry for not updating yesterday. Please comment below where in TFA you want everything to go haywire (different storyline).
P.S - Rey actually means King in French. Just a cool nugget I found.

- Alex

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